News & Events
- June 30, 2014 AU, 22nd AU Summit
AU Chairperson appoints Special Envoy for Women, Peace and Security
La Commission de l'Union africaine lance la Fondation de l'Union africaine
Conference de Solidarite initiant le processus des contributions en appui aux pays sortant de conflit │Conference au niveau des chefs d’etats et de gouvernements
22nd Ordinary Session of the African Union Assembly concludes: A summary of key decisions
Motion of Thanks by H.E. Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, President of the Republic of Mali at the closing of the 22nd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government
- January 31, 2014 AU, 22nd AU Summit
Les chefs d’État et de gouvernement africains s’engagent à soutenir le Fonds pour le patrimoine mondial africain (AWHF)
The African Institute for Remittances (AIR) will be fully operational in 2015. The AU Executive Councilselected the Republic of Kenya to host the AIR Secretariat.
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