7th African Private Sector Forum: “Actions speak louder than words”
Event7th African Private Sector Forum gets underway: “Time has come for the Private Sector to unlock Africa’s potential”
Press Release Nº343/ 2014
7th African Private Sector Forum gets underway:
“Time has come for the Private Sector to unlock Africa’s potential”Nairobi, Kenya, 03rd December 2014 – The 7th African private sector forum, spear headed by the department of economic affairs of the African Union Commission (AUC) got underway today in Nairobi, Kenya with aims to enhance understanding of the role of the private sector in the development of the Continent as well as to define innovative financing mechanisms for SME/SMI and propose recommendations on way-forward..
Held under the theme “Promoting Africa’s Private Sector for inclusive growth: Exploring innovative mechanism of funding”. the forum aims to engage policy makers and representatives of the private sector in policy dialogues and various interest specific debates on emerging issues identified within the growth trajectory of the Continent..
Dr. Mustafah N. Gunay, Secretary General of the Confederation of Businessmen and Industrialists of Turkey expressed his instituition’s readiness to enhance and promote private sector development by exchanging best practices, key skills and expanding already fruitful business opportunities as well as increased investment.
Speaking on behalf of H.E. Dr. Khaled Al Aboodi, CEO of the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD), the representative expressed the need for enhanced collaboration between the two regions through the implementation of a framework that would streamline complementary efforts and promote resource mobilization and investment that would effectively involve the private sector in the developmental ideals of the two regions.
“Time has come for the Private Sector to unlock Africa’s potential” said Dr. (Eng) Karanja Kibicho, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Kenya in his welcomie remarks. He stressed the need to translate sometimes inflated double digit growth numbers recorded in numerous countries in the Continent into tangible changes at grass roots level through increased job creations, proper wealth distribution and effective poverty reduction..
Opening the forum, the Deputy Chairperson of the AUC, H.E. Mr. Erastus Mwencha insisted on the need to get concrete initiatives to effectively place the private sector at the forefront of continental developmental agendas such as Agenda2063 and PIDA. He further stressed the need to develop relevant skillsets through targeted education, build proper infrastructure and avail inclusive but regulatory policies to curb unemployment and push Africa towards sustainable socio-economic development.
In his comprehensive keynote speech, H.E. Anthony M. Maruping, AUC Commissioner for Economic Affairs highlighted known challenges and policy red tapes that have hindered private sector development and entrepreuneurship. He insisted on the need for an improved Pan African Investment network, a classification of top African companies and the creation of an enabling environment through the AU Private Sector Development Strategy for 2015-2017. He mentioned the need to increase credit flow, reenforce financial institutions, implement consistent policies at the macro and sector levels, “No Active Indigenous Private Sector, No “Africa Rising”, No Inclusive and Transformative Growth.” Said the Commissioner.
In line with cooperative initiatives within the Continent, the Forum witnessed the signature of two memorundom of understandings between the AUC and Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (“ICD”) as well as between the AUC and the NEPAD Business Foundation on regional and development cooperation aimed at accelerating cooperation and the development of the African Private Sector.
In attendance are African Trade and Industry Ministers, representatives of the African Private Sector, RECs, United Nations agencies, Pan-African financial institutions, African academics and research institutions, development partners and other intergovernmental organizations.
For more information please contact the following AUC Officials:
Mr. Djamel Ghrib, Head of Division, Private Sector Development, Investment and Resource Mobilization, Email:
Mr. Liwaaddine Fliss, Senior Policy Officer, Private Sector Development, Investment and Resource Mobilisation, Email:
Mr Islam Swaleh, Policy Officer, Private Sector Development Investment and Resource Mobilization, Email:
For Interviews and media related queries please contact:
Mr. Michael Fikre, Directorate of Information and Communication, Email:,, Cell: +254 727 548 983Or visit:
EventThe AUC and the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD) sign agreement to promote...
The AUC and the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD) sign agreement to promote sustainable economic and social development in Africa.
Nairobi, Kenya, 03rd December 2014 – The African Union Commission (AUC) and the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (“ICD”), the private sector arm of the Islamic Development Bank Group (“IDB”) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to develop a platform through which to enhance ties between the Islamic world and the African continent.
The agreement will facilitate the launch of a framework to encourage cooperation between the ICD and AUC to promote economic, financial and social development of member states; as well as to develop an advisory process to identify challenges and address impediments to this mutual collaboration. In addition, it will support the private sector development across the respective regions. The parties will work towards the generation of a consolidated Plan of Action designed to mobilize private sector partners and resources for the implementation of joint priority programs (co-financing AUC private sector projects, providing advisory services to African governments….).
“The MoU will enhance and strengthen the coordination of complementary activities, interests and capacities between the ICD and AUC towards promoting private sector development, investment, and resource mobilization in Africa through unlocking business potential: including mobilizing foreign direct investment in various economic sectors within the key priority sector programs and projects identified by the ICD and AUC,” explained H.E. Khaled Al Aboodi, CEO of ICD.
“The cooperation between ICD and AUC will constitute a platform to strengthen ties between the respective regions and facilitate a consultative / advisory process to address issues that stand in the way of enhancing economic and commercial relations between ICD and AUC Members States. The purpose of this Memorandum is also to provide a general framework for and to facilitate cooperation between ICD and the AUC in promoting the economic, financial and social development of their respective Member States qnd set out a common approach between the AUC and ICD to support private sector development in their respective institutions,” mentioned H.E Erastus Mwencha, Deputy Chairperson of the AUC.
The agreement was signed alongside the AUC’s 7th African Private Sector Forum, the largest forum for private sector in Africa, which unites leading international companies and business representatives with policy makers to discuss new investment and business opportunities in the continent.
EventMedia Advisory - 7th African Private Sector Forum
What: 7th Africa Private Sector Forum.
When: 3rd – 5th December 2014
Where: Panari Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
Time: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Who: African Union Commission
Declaration of the 7th Africa Private Sector Forum; Enhanced understanding of the role of the private sector on inclusive, sustainable growth and the implementation of the Continental Free Trade Area; and Concrete measures for the enlargement of new innovative financial opportunities for SME/SMI in Africa.Participants:
Over 300 participants are expected to attend the 2014 edition of the African Private Sector Forum. Participants to the Forum will include African Trade and Industry Ministers, representatives of the African Private Sector, RECs, United Nations agencies, Pan-African financial institutions, African academics and research institutions, development partners and other intergovernmental organizations.Background:
Considering the critical role that the private sector is expected to play in the inclusiveness of growth and integration of the African continent, in particular its contribution to poverty reduction through investment and employment creation, the AU Commission organizes an annual African Private Sector Forum. This initiative is in line with the AU Executive Council Abuja Decision Number EX/CL/Dec.183 (VI), which institutionalized the African Union Private Sector Forum. The Forum is a key instrument of interface and partnership between the African Union policy makers and the private sector. The Forum also acts a vehicle for empowering the African Private Sector through advocacy, sharing business and market information and skills. In light of the foregoing, the African Union Commission plans to organize the 7th Africa Private Sector under the Theme: “Promoting Africa’s Private Sector for inclusive growth: Exploring innovative mechanism of funding”.Among the key features of the Forum are high-level policy dialogues, plenary sessions and parallel sessions. In order to focus the Forum and its recommendations, Parallel sessions will be set up according to specific interest and emerging issues of the African private sector. The plenary sessions will allow influential business leaders to debate general issues of critical importance for private sector sound development in Africa. Speakers will share their experience and views and debate what efforts should be made to unlock opportunities and achieve success. The topics of the sessions are:
• Role of the private sector in catalyzing the inclusive growth and development
• Expanding long-term finance for private sector development in Africa: The role of Commercial and Development Banks
• Innovative sources of funding for private sector development: Capital market, Private equity and Blending
• Innovative sources of funding for private sector development: Capital market, Private equity and Blending
• Impact Investment in Africa – Challenges, Success Stories, Lessons Learnt and Opportunities for Growth
• Doing Business in Africa: From perception to reality
• Sustainable Energy Impact Investment
• Africa’s future: Creating an engine for inclusive growth by enlarging business opportunities for youth and women
• Technical and Vocational Training for private sector innovation and competitiveness
• Follow-up of the 5th EU-Africa Business Forum (EABF)
• Building inclusive financial systems in Africa: The role of Microfinance and mobile banking in private sector development
• African Union Private Sector Development strategy: the private sector facing the challenges of competitiveness and structural transformation in AfricaMedia representatives in Nairobi are invited to take part and cover the meeting.
For more information please contact the following AUC Officials:
Mr. Djamel Ghrib, Head of Division, Private Sector Development, Investment and Resource Mobilization, Email:
Mr. Liwaaddine Fliss, Senior Policy Officer, Private Sector Development, Investment and Resource Mobilisation, Email: Liwaeddinef@africa-union.orgMr Islam Swaleh, Policy Officer, Private Sector Development Investment and Resource Mobilization, Email:
For Interviews and media related queries please contact:
Mr. Michael Fikre, Directorate of Information and Communication, Email:,, Cell: +254 727 548 983Or visit:
EventThe AUC and the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD) sign agreement to promote...
Press Release Nº 341/ 2014
The AUC and the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD) sign agreement to promote sustainable economic and social development in Africa.
Nairobi, Kenya, 03rd December 2014 – The African Union Commission (AUC) and the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (“ICD”), the private sector arm of the Islamic Development Bank Group (“IDB”) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to develop a platform through which to enhance ties between the Islamic world and the African continent.
The agreement will facilitate the launch of a framework to encourage cooperation between the ICD and AUC to promote economic, financial and social development of member states; as well as to develop an advisory process to identify challenges and address impediments to this mutual collaboration. In addition, it will support the private sector development across the respective regions. The parties will work towards the generation of a consolidated Plan of Action designed to mobilize private sector partners and resources for the implementation of joint priority programs (co-financing AUC private sector projects, providing advisory services to African governments….).
“The MoU will enhance and strengthen the coordination of complementary activities, interests and capacities between the ICD and AUC towards promoting private sector development, investment, and resource mobilization in Africa through unlocking business potential: including mobilizing foreign direct investment in various economic sectors within the key priority sector programs and projects identified by the ICD and AUC,” explained H.E. Khaled Al Aboodi, CEO of ICD.
“The cooperation between ICD and AUC will constitute a platform to strengthen ties between the respective regions and facilitate a consultative / advisory process to address issues that stand in the way of enhancing economic and commercial relations between ICD and AUC Members States. The purpose of this Memorandum is also to provide a general framework for and to facilitate cooperation between ICD and the AUC in promoting the economic, financial and social development of their respective Member States qnd set out a common approach between the AUC and ICD to support private sector development in their respective institutions,” mentioned H.E Erastus Mwencha, Deputy Chairperson of the AUC.
The agreement was signed alongside the AUC’s 7th African Private Sector Forum, the largest forum for private sector in Africa, which unites leading international companies and business representatives with policy makers to discuss new investment and business opportunities in the continent.
For further information contact
Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
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EventPan-African Investment Code :African Independent Legal Experts kicks off in Djibouti
Pan-African Investment Code :African Independent Legal Experts kicks off in Djibouti
Addis Ababa, 30th October 2014: Idependent Legal Experts are meeting from today, 30-31 October 2014 in Kempinski Djibouti. The meeting is bringing onboard more than thirty five African independent legal experts to discuss and review the draft Pan African Investment Code (PAIC).
In his welcoming statement, Mr.Djamel Ghrib Head of Private Sector Delopment, Investment and Resource Mobilisation thanked participants for honouring the invitation. He stated that this was testimony to the commitment they attach to the attraction and promotion ofinvestment in Africa. He highlighted the importance accorded to attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and its impact on Africa’s Development. He said that the Continent remains concerned about the low level of incoming FDI flowing compared to other regions of the worldas well as the intra Africa cross border investment. This situation continues to persist despite the measures taken by Member States to improve the investment environment, including investment guarantees.
He informed the meeting that the objective of the meeting was to review the draft Pan African Investment Code (PAIC) and recalled the mandate given to the AUC, during the third Conference of African Ministers in charge of Integration (COMAI III) held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, on 22-23 May 2008, requesting the “AUC to develop a comprehensive investment code for Africa with a view to promoting private sector participation”.He recalled the background of developing the PAIC and highlighted the guiding principles in drafting the PAIC: (i) suit the national policies in order to scale up and maintain the Domestic Investment; (ii) create conducive business environment for sustainable growth; (iii) promote African integration process; (iv) ensure that the PAIC tackles the issue of Social Corporate and Environmental responsibility; and (v) attract FDI as one of the vehicles to sustain the development.
Finally, he invited the legal experts to contribute to the improvement of the draft code, which will be submitted to the special Ministerial Technical Committee on Economy, Finance and integration matters as well as the STC on Justice and Legal Affairs for consideration and adoption before its submission to the AU Heads of State and Government for its final adoption
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Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
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EventAfrica Forum 2014, Paris, France
EventKey African Ministers Meeting is held to Chart the Way Froward on Infrastructure and Integration
Ezulwini, Swaziland 17 July 2014- African ministers in charge of integration are meeting in Ezulwini, Swaziland from 17 to 18th July under the theme, infrastructure and integration in Africa. They were joined at their opening session today by the Right Honourable Dr Barnabas Sibusiso Dlamini, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Swaziland; African Union Commission Chairperson DrNkosazanaDlaminiZuma; Prince HlangusemphiDlamini, the Swazi Minister of Economic Planning; and AU Commissioners DrsElham Ibrahim and Anthony Maruping.
The ministers are discussing the theme of infrastructure and integration in Africa. At the end of their meeting tomorrow, they will adopt a ministerial declaration,highlighting among others, strategies and actions to speed up infrastructure development to support regional integration.
Integration is one of the key goals under the vision of the African Union and remains at the core of the pan African vision. It forms one of the key pillars of the African Union Commission (AUC)’s strategic plan 2014-2017. It is also one of the key enablers of Agenda 2063 , which seeks to bring together into one framework, Africa’s continental, regional and national plans.
Infrastructure on the other hand is seen as a facilitator of integration; as the hardware without which economic and social development on the continent will remain low. Compared to other continents in terms of measures of infrastructure coverage, Africa is lagging behind and this affects the integration efforts. To ameliorate the situation, the African Union has adopted, among others, the programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA).
“At regional and continental levels, through the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa and the infrastructure master-plans of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), we seek to connect African capitals and commercial centres through road, rail and ICT, to power our economies and communities through energy projects, including renewable and fossil fuel energy, and to increase agricultural production through irrigation projects, building storage facilities, distribution infrastructure and markets”, said African Union Commission Chairperson DrNkosazanaDlaminiZumaat the start of the ministerial meeting in Ezulwini today.
The AU Commission is also in negotiations with interested parties, to construct a high speed railway, which will be the flagship of Agenda 2063. Dr Dlamini Zuma announced that concrete agreements have been reached with the Chinesegovernment to set up a research and development center as well as a training center to ensure successful set up of the high speed railway system. Other partners are welcome to contribute to the project, she added.
The AUC Chairperson called on Africa to finance its own development projects and programmes, saying “One of the bitter lessons from the last fifty years is that we cannot continue to develop visions and frameworks, and then expect others to take responsibility for financing our development and institutions”.The Chairperson called on Africa to be inclusive in its development policies. “Our development will continue to be at half pace if we do not empower women to play an important part in the socio, political and economic affairs of our societies”. She also called for a skills revolution to ensure African people, especially the youth, are capacitated to undertake the different jobs that will drive the continent forward.
Right Honourable Dr Barnabas Sibusiso Dlamini, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Swaziland praised Agenda 2063 as representing a collective effort and an opportunity for Africa to regain the power to determine its own destiny. “The voice of Africa is therefore certain as we drive to the Africa we want”, he said. He highlighted the need to invest in trade related infrastructure such as transport, communication and energy sectors.To further aid integration efforts, a continental free trade area (CFTA) is expected to be launched in 2017.
Delegates to the meeting were reminded to continue makingwritten inputs into Agenda 2063 through the website before 31 October 2014. In January next year, the framework and its first ten year plan will be adopted.
The declaration to be adopted by the ministers at the end of their meeting will therefore underscore their determination to speed up the integration agenda in conformity with the pertinent decisions of African Heads of State and Government and the aspirations of African people. This includes support for PIDA to build the infrastructure necessary to support integration.The ministers will make recommendations on the way forward on each of the following topics that are key to infrastructure and integration in Africa: status of integration in Africa and follow up of recommendations from the Sixth Conference of African Ministers in Charge of Integration (COMAIV1); study on the African integration fund; African regional integration index; and on intra African trade and the establishment of the continental free trade area (CFTA). They are also expected to pronounce themselves on the way forward with popularizing and implementing thecommon African position (CAP) on post 2015 development agenda and on Agenda 2063. (The full declaration will be available soon on the AU website,
For media inquiries contact:
Mrs. Wynne Musabayana, Directorate of Information and Communication, African Union Commission, e-mail: MusabayanaW@africa-union.orgFollow us
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EventSeventh Conference of African Ministers in Charge of Integration (COMAI VII), Ezulwini, Swaziland
Ezulwini, Swaziland 17 July 2014- African ministers in charge of integration are meeting in Ezulwini, Swaziland from 17 to 18th July under the theme, infrastructure and integration in Africa. They were joined at their opening session today by the Right Honourable Dr Barnabas Sibusiso Dlamini, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Swaziland; African Union Commission Chairperson DrNkosazanaDlaminiZuma; Prince HlangusemphiDlamini, the Swazi Minister of Economic Planning; and AU Commissioners DrsElham Ibrahim and Anthony Maruping.
The ministers are discussing the theme of infrastructure and integration in Africa. At the end of their meeting tomorrow, they will adopt a ministerial declaration,highlighting among others, strategies and actions to speed up infrastructure development to support regional integration.
Integration is one of the key goals under the vision of the African Union and remains at the core of the pan African vision. It forms one of the key pillars of the African Union Commission (AUC)’s strategic plan 2014-2017. It is also one of the key enablers of Agenda 2063 , which seeks to bring together into one framework, Africa’s continental, regional and national plans.
Infrastructure on the other hand is seen as a facilitator of integration; as the hardware without which economic and social development on the continent will remain low. Compared to other continents in terms of measures of infrastructure coverage, Africa is lagging behind and this affects the integration efforts. To ameliorate the situation, the African Union has adopted, among others, the programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA).
“At regional and continental levels, through the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa and the infrastructure master-plans of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), we seek to connect African capitals and commercial centres through road, rail and ICT, to power our economies and communities through energy projects, including renewable and fossil fuel energy, and to increase agricultural production through irrigation projects, building storage facilities, distribution infrastructure and markets”, said African Union Commission Chairperson DrNkosazanaDlaminiZumaat the start of the ministerial meeting in Ezulwini today.
The AU Commission is also in negotiations with interested parties, to construct a high speed railway, which will be the flagship of Agenda 2063. Dr Dlamini Zuma announced that concrete agreements have been reached with the Chinesegovernment to set up a research and development center as well as a training center to ensure successful set up of the high speed railway system. Other partners are welcome to contribute to the project, she added.
The AUC Chairperson called on Africa to finance its own development projects and programmes, saying “One of the bitter lessons from the last fifty years is that we cannot continue to develop visions and frameworks, and then expect others to take responsibility for financing our development and institutions”.The Chairperson called on Africa to be inclusive in its development policies. “Our development will continue to be at half pace if we do not empower women to play an important part in the socio, political and economic affairs of our societies”. She also called for a skills revolution to ensure African people, especially the youth, are capacitated to undertake the different jobs that will drive the continent forward.
Right Honourable Dr Barnabas Sibusiso Dlamini, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Swaziland praised Agenda 2063 as representing a collective effort and an opportunity for Africa to regain the power to determine its own destiny. “The voice of Africa is therefore certain as we drive to the Africa we want”, he said. He highlighted the need to invest in trade related infrastructure such as transport, communication and energy sectors.To further aid integration efforts, a continental free trade area (CFTA) is expected to be launched in 2017.
Delegates to the meeting were reminded to continue makingwritten inputs into Agenda 2063 through the website before 31 October 2014. In January next year, the framework and its first ten year plan will be adopted.
The declaration to be adopted by the ministers at the end of their meeting will therefore underscore their determination to speed up the integration agenda in conformity with the pertinent decisions of African Heads of State and Government and the aspirations of African people. This includes support for PIDA to build the infrastructure necessary to support integration.The ministers will make recommendations on the way forward on each of the following topics that are key to infrastructure and integration in Africa: status of integration in Africa and follow up of recommendations from the Sixth Conference of African Ministers in Charge of Integration (COMAIV1); study on the African integration fund; African regional integration index; and on intra African trade and the establishment of the continental free trade area (CFTA). They are also expected to pronounce themselves on the way forward with popularizing and implementing thecommon African position (CAP) on post 2015 development agenda and on Agenda 2063. (The full declaration will be available soon on the AU website,
For media inquiries contact:
Mrs. Wynne Musabayana, Directorate of Information and Communication, African Union Commission, e-mail: MusabayanaW@africa-union.orgFollow us
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EventExperts meet to discuss Regional and National Statistical Capacities for Measuring Peace, Rule of Law and Governance in...
Press Release Nº 139/2014
Experts meet to discuss Regional and National Statistical Capacities for Measuring Peace, Rule of Law and Governance in Addis Ababa
Addis Ababa, 11 June 2014: An expert meeting started today at the African Union Commission in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to discuss Regional and National Statistical Capacities for Measuring Peace, Rule of Law and Governance: An agenda for the post 2015 Sustainable Development Goals Frame work.
The meeting is a follow-up to the Global Thematic Consultation on Conflict, Violence and Disaster, and the Post-2015 Development Framework; organized to bring together policy makers and data specialists, mostly from Africa, to map up various on-going national, regional and international statistical initiatives, frameworks and strategies on Peace, rule of law and Governance; and to build on that experience to advance compelling evidence for incorporating these as target and indicators in the post-2015 Sustainable Development Framework.
Ms. Samia Zekaria Gutu, Director of the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia, welcomed the delegates from some 20 countries said this meeting is a milestone for the statistical development in Africa and is the time to develop concrete methodologies to advance forward. Following her welcoming remarks Mr. Gerd Trogemann, the Deputy Director of UNDP regional Sector for Africa recalled the need for Peace and Stability as priority for the development of Africa and said the meeting will confirm the National level commitment. “Peace and Development are strongly linked.”
Director of Economic Affairs, Dr René N'guettia Kouassi shared the importance of ‘the trilogy’ of the core priority lists of the African Union Commission; Governance, Peace and Security, and shared the reasons and expectation behind the meeting. Determining the way forward; sharing prospects, experience, expertise and making recommendations relevant to be shared with the international community stressing on the importance of Statistics in Peace, Rule of Law and Governance has been said to have been priorities of the meeting.
Participants include Data experts from the African Union Commission, African Development Bank, SHaSA, African Regional Economic Commissions (Such as: ECOWAS, COMESA, SADC, EAC, ECCAS, CEN-SAD, IGAD) United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, World Bank, Experts from Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st century, Academic and Research centers, Pan-African Parliament, Civil society and Policy makers of Countries involved in the drafting of the peace and security pillar of the African Common Position along with relevant UN agencies.For further information contact
Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site: I Addis Ababa | EthiopiaFollow us
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EventCommon African Position (CAP) on the post 2015 Development Agenda launched
Press Release Nº128 /2014
Common African Position (CAP) on the post 2015 Development Agenda launched
Addis Ababa, 3 June, 2014: The Common African Position (CAP) on the Post 2015 Development agenda was launched today, Tuesday 3rd June 2014 at the African Union Commission in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in the presence of Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the AU Commission as well as the Sherpas of the High Level Committee on the Post 2015 Development Agenda among other partners and invited guests.
The lunch of the CAP is intended to engage African Stakeholders to deepen their understanding and the evolution of the negotiation and advocacy efforts to enhance ownership of the CAP while strengthening and leveraging partnerships with Non-African stakeholders.The President of the Republic of Liberia and Chair High Level Committee (HLC) Mrs. Ellen Johnson in her opening remark and key message on the post 2015 via a video recording stated that CAP reflects the aspirations of the African people and contains seven main strategic key messages, which are; the commitment of Africa to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) specially focusing on the areas of health and education, a sustainable agenda of development, the acknowledgment of the need for peace and security among others.
H. E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma Chairperson of the African Union Commission in her remarks emphasized on the importance of making the CAP people centered, sustainable and resulting in prosperous, integrated and united Africa. “The Common African Position will be pursued regardless of the results of the negotiation out comes and advocacy of individuals in one’s own country and elsewhere is important” the Chairperson stated, before officially launching the CAP.
The Common African Position was then presented by Dr. Anthony Maruping, Commissioner of Economic Affairs of the AUC who stated that the overarching goals of the CAP are to eradicate poverty and ensure human development, which are anchored in six pillars that are; Structural, Economic transformation and inclusive growth, Science, Technology and Innovation, People-centered development, Environmental sustainability, Natural resources management and disaster management, Peace and Security and Finance and partnerships.
The Commissioner, in conclusion, invited all the stakeholders to champion and support the CAP priority areas, advocate and act in unity to ensure that Africa’s voice is heard.
A presentation on the role of multilateral organizations and other stakeholders in the implementation of the CAP was delivered by the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Mr. Carlos Lopez who shared his reflections while reiterating the UNECA’s commitment to continue to support the CAP.
The official launch of the CAP at the AU headquarters was attended by African and Non-African Permanent representatives, African Union Commission, United Nations Agencies and families, European Union, Civil Society Organizations and others.
AM/EATAbout the African Union
African Union spearheads Africa’s development and integration in close collaboration with African Union Member States, the Regional Economic Communities and African citizens. The AU Vision is that of a prosperous, integrated, and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in global arena.Follow us
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EventRegional Seminar on International Trade Statistics Implementation of recommendations on international trade statistics...
Opening session of the Regional Seminar on International Trade Statistics
Addis Ababa, 12 May 2014: The opening session of the Regional Seminar on International Trade Statistics, jointly organized by the African Union Commission (AUC) and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), in collaboration with the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) was held this morning at the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa.
The seminar which takes place from the 12 to 16 May 2014, will bring together national experts responsible for compilation of international Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS), statistics of international trade in goods and services, and balance of payments (BOP). The meeting will also gather major stakeholders of statistical development in Africa including the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), World Customs Organization (WCO), World Trade Organization (WTO), United Nations Statistics Division, national statistical offices and national customs offices.
In his opening statement on behalf the Director of Economic Affairs and Statistics Division Dr. N’GuettiaKouassi,Mr. Dossina Yeo pointed out that the volume of intra-African trade was estimated at 12%, and in order to boost intra-African trade, the Heads of State and Government of the African Union dedicated their two summits of 2012 to the theme "Boosting Intra -African Trade."
He then explained that the major decisions of these two summits were the establishment of an African Observatory on trade in order to monitor and evaluate the implementation of an area of hemispheric free trade, and the establishment of a Free Continental trade area by 2017. He finally underlined the necessity of encouraging the production of quality statistics on international trade in Africa in order to implement the African Observatory on Trade.
Other speakers at the opening session were Mr. Karoly Kovacs from the (UNSD), andMr. SlaheddineSaidi (AfDB)
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