Latest Documents
Border community security Mano River Union region
Analysis of Cross Border dynamics and localised conflicts in Mano River Region. Includes discussion on implications for DDR approaches and initiatives. Challenges identified include the tendency for DDR programmes to have national rather than regional focus - despite conflict dynamics being regional in nature - and the need for more attention to youth employment issues.
Southern Sudan and DDR: Adopting an Integrated approach to Stabilization
Review of an agricultural training program for high-risk youth in Liberia - report seeks to specifically identify the impact of the programme in terms of levels of aggression and likelihood of participation in illegal activities.
Reintegration of Child Soldiers in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: Challen
A case study exploring the complexities surrounding successful child soldier reintegration in the DRC. Argues strongly that program planning must be informed by analysis of socioeconomic, cultural, security, and political factors more broadly.
Where to go from here?
Collection of papers presented at the International Conference "Children and Youth Affected by Armed Conflict: Where to go from here?" that took place in Kampala in 2013. Papers include exploration of challenges faced in reintegration by CAAFG, examples of program responses, and analysis of youth dynamics in conflict causation and prevention.
Post-war moral communities in Somalia and Nepal: Gendered practices of exclusion
This report Forms part of the International Research Group on Reintegrations effort to bring new research based evidence on reintegration processes.
Ex-pirates in Somalia: Disengagement Processes and Reintegration Programming
Provides first hand insights into some of the conditions, circumstances and processes which may serve to discourage involvement and continued engagement in piracy and lessons learned from programming interventions.
Nigeria: In Search of Sustainable Peace in the Niger Delta through the Amnesty P
Paper provides an overview of the Niger Delta conflict - including background on the armed groups and a detailed description of the Amnesty process. DDR efforts (focused largely on BTVET) are described and explored and challenges both with the structural organisation and eligibility and exclusion criteria for benefits provided under the programme are identified. Issues related to TJ and the role of civil society are also discussed.
Blame It on the War? The Gender Dimensions of Violence in DDR
Comprehensive exploration of issues related to gender dimensions of violence in post conflict settings and their importance for DDR programmes. Emphasises the importance of understanding male and female changing gender identities and roles in society - often impacted by conflict.
Improving Security in Violent Conflict Settings: Security & Justice Thematic Pap
This comprehensive but succinct report explores issues related to violence and conflict in complex settings , highlighting clearly the blurred lines across which many development and stabilisation programmes have to operate. It contains an in depth analysis of DDR objectives and considers why 'traditional' DDR responses are inadequate / insufficient to deal with many of the situations in which they are often called for.
Disarming Youth Combatants: Mitigating Youth Radicalization and Violent Extremis
This article explores the complex push and pull factors behind recruitment and participation in civil conflict (including re-recruitment). It argues that as part of disarming youth combatants, the linkages between reintegration outcomes and possible re-recruitment into radical and extremist
Football and Post-War Reintegration: exploring the role of sport in DDR process
Using a case study on Sierra Leone, this paper focuses on the potential role of sports in DDR to determine how ex-youth combatants, camp administrators and caregivers perceive the role and significance of sporting activities in interim care centers (ICCs) or DDR camps.
Peace Recovery and Development Plan (PRDP) Phase 2 for Northern Uganda
Peace Recovery and Development Plan (II) for Northern Uganda. Includes discussion on issues and planned policy and programme approaches related to the reintegration of ex-combatants and Transitional Justice - highlights challenges faced by female ex-combatants
Vocational Training in Conflict-Affected Areas
Briefing note outlines importance of vocational training and jobs creation for youth and ex-combatants in conflict-affected areas and common challenges associated with BTVET provision and focus - including lack of labour market analysis and relevance of courses, Case examples from Uganda, South Sudan, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
Muilt- Country Demobilisation and Reintegration Program: End of Program Evaluati
End of project review for this ;athe multi-country DDR programme
DDRed in Liberia: Youth Remarginalisation or Reintegration?
This report questions mainstream approaches to the reintegration of youthful ex-combatants. Most ex-combatants are currently unemployed
or underemployed as the programmes initiated first and foremost prepared them for jobs -
Socio-Economic Reintegration of Ex-Combatants
Guidelines focusing on social and economic reintegration of ex-combatants. Includes substantial analysis of approaches for dealing with Special Needs Groups including women, children, youth, people with disabilities and people living with HIV/AIDS. The template for a mapping and economic analysis of the labour market may be of particular interest and value.
Economic reintegration of children formerly associated with armed forces and arm
Paper explores challenges associated with the economic reintegration of CAAFG and also explores potential models and approaches vocational skills training and livelihood creation for young people. Includes a case study from DRC.
Community-Based Reintegration of War-Affected Young Mothers: Participatory Actio
The report describes a community-based participatory action research (PAR) project involving approximately 658 young mothers in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Northern Uganda. Authors sought to understand reintegration from the young mothers’ perspectives, learning from them about what constitutes successful reintegration for themselves and their children. Includes a summary of key findings and recommendations.
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