The retreat of the Executive Council aimed to achieve:
Engage and seek strategic guidance from the Executive Council’s on the outcomes of the Special Project on Agenda 2063.
Political guidance and commitment on categorization of the Flagship projects and resource mobilization:
Seek political commitment to jointly implement and report on the African Union Agenda 2063 and United Nations Agenda 2030.
The retreat of the Executive council is expected to generate the following:
Increased awareness and commitment to the findings and recommendations of the Evaluation of the FTYIP of Agenda 2063
A deeper appreciation of the Second Ten-Year Implementation Plan and how it will be delivered, including its ambitions, levers for change, results and governance arrangement.
A renewed attention on the joint implementation of Agenda 2063 and Agenda 2030 in the Second decade of agenda 2063.
The ministerial retreat will bring together the ministers in charge of Foreign Affairs; ministers in charge of Finance and Development Planning; PRC Members (Ambassadors); AUC leadership; Heads of AU organs; CEO of RECS; Thematic Department / Flagship Projects; Technical Working Group (TWG) on Agenda 2063 and relevant stakeholders in the private sector and civil society.
The ministerial retreat will discuss the second ten-year plan of Agenda 2063 spans 2024 to 2033. Agenda 2063 was adopted by the 24th Session of the AU Assembly of Heads of State and Government in Addis Ababa in January 2015. The Agenda embodies the aspirations of the African people, framed in a collective ambition thus: “The Africa We Want in 2063”. The Agenda is operationalized through 5 ten-year implementation plans, with the first plan straddling 2014 to 2023. The second decade of Agenda 2063 implementation is one of acceleration, building on the first that focused on convergence.
Valuable lessons learned from the first decade of Agenda 2063 have been captured in the biennial progress reports and the evaluation of the First Ten-Year Implementation Plan, among other documents, which in turn informed the design of the successor ten-year plan. Key among the revelations was the perception widely held by African citizens that Agenda 2063 is as relevant to the Continent’s development discourses as it was in 2013.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Mr. Molalet Tsedeke | Information and Communication Directorate; African Union Commission | E-mail: | Tel: +251 11 518 2014| Mobile/WhatApp: +251-911-630-631