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Sensitization Meeting for Rolling out the Malabo Declaration Biennial Reporting Process.

Sensitization Meeting for Rolling out the Malabo Declaration Biennial Reporting Process.

September 21, 2016 to September 23, 2016




Sensitization Meeting for Rolling out the Malabo Declaration Biennial Reporting Process.





When:            21st – 23rd September, 2016


Where:          King FAHD Palace Hotel, Dakar, Senegal.


What: Sensitization Meeting for Rolling out the Malabo Declaration Biennial Reporting Process


Background: Under the process of implementing the Malabo Declaration on agricultural transformation in Africa, the African Union Commission (AUC) and NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA), are leading the establishment of the Biennial Review mechanism for regular country progress reporting to the AU Assembly.

The Biennial Review Mechanism aims at providing a platform for mutual accountability, peer review and peer pressure that will motivate increased performances of each member states to deliver on targets set for the Malabo Declaration through a well-designed, transparent and performance based Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and Biennial Sector Reporting to the AU Assembly, that should in turn, trigger evidence based planning and implementation at all appropriate levels (national, sub-regional and continental) for the expected agricultural growth and transformation in Africa.

This Meeting initiated by AUC and NPCA, therefore intends to inform member states on the revised reporting mechanism as compiled in the Strategic Guidelines in Annex 3 and to discuss RECs engagement in coordinating member states activities, while reaching agreements on how to convey trainings of the country Biennial Focal Points to allow effective commencement of country reports in preparation for January 2017.

Objectives:    This Meeting scheduled to hold for 3 days will bring together CAADP focal points and M&E Experts from Ministries of Agriculture from Member States and RECs, AUC, NPCA and Technical Partners to:

  1. Inform on the modalities and process for the validation of the report at national, regional and continental level;
  2. Discuss and agree on the RECs engagement in coordinating Member States during the Biennial Reporting exercise;
  3. Discuss and agree on the mode of engagement and ToRs on support from the technical working groups;
  4. Discuss and agree on the roadmap and structure of the regional training workshops to prepare countries for the reporting exercise.


Expected Outcomes

  1. Good understanding by all AU Member States of the Biennial Review exercise;
  2. Finalized ToRs for the Technical Working Groups;
  3. Finalized roadmap and structure of the regional trainings to prepare countries to report.
  4. A strong and lasting partnership of AU and EU Ministers of Agriculture on the main themes of cooperation;
  5. Acceleration in the implementation of relevant agreements and actions;
  6. Strengthen the cooperation with private sector, especially through private public partnerships.

Participants: The participants will be drawn from the AUC, African Union Member States, RECs and Technical Partners.


For more information on the AU-EU Ministerial Conference contact:

Mr. Maurice Lorka

CAADP Adviser – Technology and Dissemination

Rural Economy and Agriculture Department

African Union Commission.

Email: N’


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