An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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  • Event
    Inauguration and Swearing in Ceremony of the New ECOSOCC Executive
    December 18, 2014 to December 22, 2014


    Nairobi, Kenya – 18 December 2014. - Elections into the Second General Assembly of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union (ECOSOCC) commenced today in the capital city of Nairobi, Kenya.

    The elections are being held in compliance with the Decision of the Executive Council and Assembly of Heads of State of the Union (EX/CL 849(XXV) adopted in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea in July 2014. That Decision directed that elections into the new ECOSOCC Assembly must be completed before the end of 2014.

    In his opening statement, Dr. Jinmi Adisa, the Director Citizens and Diaspora Directorate (CIDO) and Head of the Secretariat of ECOSOCC congratulated the qualified representatives of the African Civil Society community that have gathered in Nairobi for the exercise and observed that the electoral process would determine who becomes an elected member of the ECOSOCC Assembly.

    Dr. Adisa noted that the Constitutive Act of the African Union was explicit in its desire to create a people-centered community in the Union and that ECOSOCC was the main vehicle for achieving this goal. Accordingly, the conduct of ECOSOCC was pivotal in realizing the aims and objectives of the Union. Thus it ranks high as a key organ of the Union among others, such as the executive organs, the Commission and the Pan-African Parliament. Candidates for the elections must therefore keep the role of the Organ in mind as they seek membership of ECOSOCC. He noted that the process of elections into ECOSOCC would be staggered according to regions beginning with East, Central and Southern Africa to be followed by West and North Africa. Elections into regional and continental slots will be held along with those for North Africa.

    He added that the elections would be conducted by the Office of the Legal Counsel of the Union that carries out similar elections for other organs of the Union. The Office of the Legal Counsel will explain the details of the procedure. The Electoral College will include all CSO candidates that have qualified as eligible for membership of ECOSOCC Assembly. Only qualified candidates from a specific Member State of the Union can vote in the elections for the two candidates for that Member State. For regional elections, only qualified CSO representatives from the regional area can vote, while all qualified candidates can vote for the continental elections.

    He stressed that participation in the ensuing ECOSOCC process would not be confined to the activities of the elected Members as all Members of the African civil society community would be associated with the work of ECOSOCC through the Sectorial Cluster Committees that are defined in the ECOSOCC Statutes as key operational Mechanisms of the Organ.

    In turn, Ambassador Lazarus Kapambwe, the Advisor to the AUC Chairperson conveyed the best wishes of the Chairperson, Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma to the representatives of the various civil society organizations. He informed the meeting that the AUC Chairperson attached serious significance to the election exercise and the important role that ECOSOCC must play in the African Union family. During a recent high level meeting with African Heads of States and some Members of the AU Executive Council held last Sunday in South Africa, Dr. Zuma had reported on the progress of the ECOSOCC election exercise and promised that she would be reporting on its conclusion to the 24th AU Summit scheduled to take place in January 2015 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She assured that gathering that the 2nd ECOSOCC General Assembly would be in place at that time.

    Mr. Mourad Ben Dhiab of the Office of the Legal Counsel then observed that the procedures for the elections are derived from the ECOSOCC Statutes approved by the Council of the Union and Assembly of the Heads of States and Governments of the Union. He took the gathering through the relevant provisions and explained how they provided the basis for the electoral guidelines that would be used for the conduct of the current elections.

    Subsequently, Mr. Mando Bright of the Office of the Legal Counsel gave a detail briefing on the electoral guidelines and the Electronic voting system through which the actual elections will be conducted.

    This was followed by observations and a question and answer session in which electors demanded clarification on various aspects of the exercise including the Statutes, the electoral guidelines and the voting system.
    When electors were satisfied the voting processes began. The exercise went smoothly and the first session of the voting exercise was concluded appropriately for Eastern, Central and Southern Africa.
    The second part of the exercise continues on 20 and 21 December 2014 under the tender sun of the capital city of Kenya in Nairobi. It would culminate in the official inauguration of the ECOSOCC General Assembly on 22 December 2014.

    For media inquiries contact:
    Habiba El Mejri Scheikh | Director Information and Communication | Information and Communication Directorate | African Union Commission | Tel: (251) 11 518 25 58 | Fax: (251) 11 518 25 78 | E-mail: | Web: |Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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    About the African Union
    The African Union spearheads Africa’s development and integration in close collaboration with African Union Member States, the Regional Economic Communities and African citizens. AU Vision: to accelerate progress towards an integrated, prosperous and inclusive Africa, at peace with itself, playing a dynamic role in the continental and global arena, effectively driven by an accountable, efficient and responsive Commission. Learn more at:

  • Event
    November 27, 2014 to November 28, 2014


    AU-CSO Continental consultation on the Africa-EU joint strategy (JAES)


    WHAT: Convening of the AU-CSO Continental consultation on the Africa-EU joint strategy (JAES).
    WHEN: 27-28 November 2014
    WHERE: Maputo, Mozambique
    WHO: AUC/CIDO; Civil society organizations (CSO) from across the five regions of the continent.
    • To review the outcomes of the 4th africa-eu summit and its new implementation architecture
    • To define Africa priorities in this context across the board and in specific thematic areas
    • To define continental and intercontinental CSO priorities with in the JAES framework and the challenges of co-responsibility with other stakeholders
    • To prepare for effective follow-up and implementation bodies for the 2014 and 2014 road map
    • To respond actively and constructively to the responsibility bestowed on the consultative group with in the framework of the Africa-EU strategy to provide the platform for African CSOs to work together to support comprehensive stakeholder participation in the process
    • To set stage for the consolidation of an intercontinental CSO platform in early 2015.

    The Africa-EU joint strategy declaration have constantly placed priority on the active involvement of civil society as a pillar for facilitating and promoting a broad-based and wide ranging people-centred partnership between the two continents. As a result both sides have established continental CSO structures including a steering committee and continental consultation forum, to input directly into the process enhance CSO space and prepare CSO contribution towards its implementation strategy.

    Following the 4th Africa-EU summit in Brussels in 2014 participations are now underway for the continental CSO platforms to collate and consolidate their respective continental inputs to feed into a common intercontinental CSO platform. The EU-CSO steering committee has begun the process of undertaking a broad survey to identify the contribution and needs of youth, CSOs Think tanks and social and economic actors among non- state actors in Europe. The Africa-CSO forum is now initiating a similar process as part of the participations for a consolidated intercontinental CSO forum in early 2015.

    Media representatives are invited to cover the event from 27-28 November 2014 in Maputo, Mozambique

    For any inquiry, please contact:
    Ms. Adiam Assefa,
    Directorate of information and communication (DIC)
    Africa union commission
    Tel: +251 912205509

    CIDO Department:
    Mr. Jalel Chelba,
    Head of Division, Civil Society Division
    African Union Commission

    Mr. Filipe Alimo Furuma,
    Desk officer, Civil Society Division
    African Union Commission

    For further information contact

    For further information contact
    Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
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  • Event
    November 27, 2014 to November 28, 2014


    AU-CSO Continental consultation on the Africa-EU joint strategy (JAES)


    WHAT: Convening of the AU-CSO Continental consultation on the Africa-EU joint strategy (JAES).
    WHEN: 27-28 November 2014
    WHERE: VIP Grand Maputo Hotel, Maputo, Mozambique
    WHO: AUC/CIDO; Civil society organizations (CSO) from across the five regions of the continent.

    • To review the outcomes of the 4th Africa-EU summit and its new implementation architecture
    • To define Africa priorities in this context across the board and in specific thematic areas
    • To define continental and intercontinental CSO priorities with in the JAES framework and the challenges of co-responsibility with other stakeholders
    • To prepare for effective follow-up and implementation bodies for the 2014 and 2017 road map
    • To respond actively and constructively to the responsibility bestowed on the consultative group with in the framework of the Africa-EU strategy to provide the platform for African CSOs to work together to support comprehensive stakeholder participation in the process
    • To set stage for the consolidation of an intercontinental CSO platform in early 2015.

    The Africa-EU joint strategy declaration has constantly placed priority on the active involvement of civil society as a pillar for facilitating and promoting a broad-based and wide ranging people-centred partnership between the two continents. As a result both sides have established continental CSO structures including a steering committee and continental consultation forum, to input directly into the process enhance CSO space and prepare CSO contribution towards its implementation strategy.

    Following the 4th Africa-EU summit in Brussels in 2014 participations are now underway for the continental CSO platforms to collate and consolidate their respective continental inputs to feed into a common intercontinental CSO platform. The EU-CSO steering committee has begun the process of undertaking a broad survey to identify the contribution and needs of youth, CSOs Think tanks and social and economic actors among non- state actors in Europe. The Africa-CSO forum is now initiating a similar process as part of the participations for a consolidated intercontinental CSO forum in early 2015.

    Media representatives are invited to cover the event from 27-28 November 2014 in Maputo, Mozambique

    For any inquiry, please contact:
    Mr. Michael Fikre,
    Directorate of information and communication (DIC)
    Africa union commission
    Tel: +258 842092290

    CIDO Department:
    Mr. Jalel Chelba,
    Head of Division, Civil Society Division
    African Union Commission

    Mr. Filipe Alimo Furuma,
    Desk officer, Civil Society Division
    African Union Commission

  • Event
    November 20, 2014

    Preparations for Elections into the 2nd ECOSOCC General Assembly : 108 African Civil Society Organization already Qualified for Membership across the five (5) regions of the Continent

    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 20 November 2014 - Preparations have begun in earnest for the conduct of elections into the 2nd General Assembly of the African Union (AU) Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union (ECOSOCC) in accordance with the Executive Council Decision (EX.CL/Dec.849(XXV) in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea in July 2014.

    The continent wide Motivation and Sensitization Campaign conducted in accordance with the Decision of the Executive Council from August to early October 2014 yielded positive results. Over hundred and fifty (150) applications were received as a result within a period of two and a half months. The new applications were received from thirty-eight (38) AU Member States. These included ten Member States where Civil Society Organisations (CSO) had not responded to previous calls for applications. The new Member States included, Cape Verde, Sierra Leone, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Mauritania, Seychelles, Botswana, Eritrea, Sao Tome and Principe, Chad and Gabon.

    Subsequently, the AU Interdepartmental Committee on Verification and Appraisal of Candidates met in Djibouti from 7-10 November 2014 to assess the applications on the basis of the criteria outlined in the ECOSOCC Statutes.

    The outcome was that forty-five (45) new applications were adjudged to be qualified bringing the total candidates to one hundred and eight (108) candidates and covering a total number of thirty (30) member states. Twenty-six (26) of the newly qualified applications, amounting to over sixty per cent of the total number, came from Member States in which the mobilization campaigns were conducted.

    Apart from this, there were candidates who had incomplete applications requiring the provision of filled and signed application forms and other minor requirements. Such candidates have been notified and their applications are being upgraded as soon as the missing documents are received.

    The Commission is planning to hold elections in the period around 15-21 December 2014. The details of the arrangement and location as well as the work program will be communicated shortly.

    For further information contact
    Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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  • Event
    October 27, 2014

    Notice and Information for Civil Society Organizations and Diaspora on the January 2015 AU Summit

  • Event
    AU Sensitization and Motivation Campaign in Mauritania for the 2nd ECOSOCC General Assembly
    October 17, 2014

    Nouakchott, Mauritania: 17 October 2014 – After the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), it was the turn of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania to welcome, from 14 to 17 October 2014, the sensitization and motivation campaign for the election of the 2nd General Assembly of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union (ECOSOCC). A meeting grouping the civil society organizations of Mauritania was organized to that effect on 17 October 2014 in the Wissal Hotel conference to brief and exchange views and informations on the practical modalities and criteria for participation in the elections billed for the fourth quarters of the year 2014. Around fifty CSOs including CSOs plateforme attended the meeting following the advertisement of the event on local media and specialized local websites.
    Addressing participants at the opening ceremony, the representatives of the Minister of Communication and Relations with the Parliament, the Director of Relations with Civil Society Mr. Mohammedan Ould Hurma Baba, lauded the initiative of the African Union for launching this sensitization campaign which will not only motivate the population but will also close the gap between the AU as an organization and the people of Mauritania. He reiterated the commitment of H.E.M Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania to promote a more active Mauritanian civil society in the development agenda of the Union. The Director of Relations with Civil Society who described the Mauritania’s civil society as the ‘elite of Mauritania society’, reiterated his government willingness to work hand in hand with the AU delegation to ensure the full participation of the civil society in the ECOSOCC election as well as to motivate the population to develop greater interest in the development agenda of the Union.
    Speaking earlier, the Assistant Executive Secretary of NGOs Forum of Mauritania, Mr Izidbih Day welcomed the good initiative, which will help to consolidate the relationship between the African Union and the civil society. He added that this initiative would enlighten the population to know more about the activities of the Union and he underlined their full support for the initiative. He called local CSOs to seize this opportunity and to apply for ECOSOCC elections.
    On his part, the Head of the AU delegation, Mr Jalel Chelba briefed the Mauritanian civil society community on the objectives of the sensitization campaign as mandated by the Malabo Summit and observed that this meeting will be the last one in this campaign. He highlighted the significance of concluding the campaign in Mauritania which is assuming the presidency of the African Union for this year and called CSOs to play their role in making ECOSOCC a useful organ for the interests of the African civil society and to contribute significantly to the development agenda of the continent. He also mentioned that the idea of organizing the ECOSOCC composite elections in Nouakchott was discussed with Mauritanian authorities and it is much welcomed.
    During the discussion, the participants highlighted the main challenges that Mauritania CSOs would face within this process especially the eligibility requirements including the 50 percent of the funding and the audit and financial reports. They called the African Union to be more flexible with their candidatures giving the time constraints.

    For further information please contact:
    Mr. Jalel Chelba, Head of Civil Society Division, African Union Commission
    Mr. Gamal Ahmed A. Karrar, Directorate of Information and Communication, African Union Commission, e-mail: or , Mobile number: +213799470136
    For further information contact
    Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
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  • Event
    October 15, 2014 to October 16, 2014

    AU-Caribbean Pan-African Regional Network Conference, Antigua-Barbuda, 15-16 October 2014

  • Event
    October 10, 2014

    KAICIID Builds Cooperation with African Union

    A delegation from the KAICIID Dialogue Centre, an international organization, will travel to Ethiopia in November 2014 to meet diplomats at the African Union and with the African Union Commission, a next step in the close cooperation between the two organisations. In 2013 KAICIID began work with the African Union and other partners in the region to promote a culture of dialogue among followers of diverse religions and cultures in Africa.

    This visit is a further step in the implementation of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) concluded between KAICIID and the African Union. The MoU was signed on behalf of the African Union Commission at the KAICIID Global Forum in November 2013 by Dr. Jinmi Adisa, Director of the African Citizens Directorate (CIDO).

    Advancing Interreligious and Intercultural Education
    Within the framework of the MoU, KAICIID and the African Union will collaborate on identifying and connecting partners among the African Union’s Member States, including universities and seminaries, experts and educators, faith leaders and institutions to advance the field of interreligious and intercultural education. KAICIID has launched a Global Policy Network to support working-level policymakers and curriculum developers in the field of interreligious and intercultural education.

    African Union Interfaith Dialogue Forum
    KAICIID will also partner in the convening of the African Union Interfaith Dialogue Forum, a permanent steering committee consisting of senior religious leaders and policymakers, tasked with advancing cooperation between the AU and Africa’s religious communities to reduce conflict and coordinate peace and development efforts.

    Resolving Conflict
    In the context of rising conflict, KAICIID brings to bear its convening power as an intergovernmental organisation and its access to religious leaders around the world to advance multi-religious dialogue processes in the region.

    On the occasion of the signing of MoU, Dr. Jinmi Adisa Representative of AUC said “Since the end of the Cold War, religious differences have assumed importance as a major source of conflict in the global environment. The rise of Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and the conflicts in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Central and Western Africa underline its rising profile as a mainspring of antagonisms, death, crisis and destruction, states failures and regional convulsions. Yet much of this has been caused by abuse and violation of religious principles and their deliberation distortion and misuse. The collaborative effort of the African Union and KAICIID has roots in their common vision and related effort to combat the use and abuse of religious principles and the investment of both institutions in the use of religions to promote understanding, build trust, respect to each other, tolerance, social harmony, security and development all over the world in general and Africa in particular.”

    KAICIID Secretary General Faisal Bin Muaammar said: “This announcement comes at a time of daily news that links conflict with religion: in Africa and in other regions, we are facing many conflicts. KAICIID was founded to combat and counteract the abuse of religion to justify oppression, violence and conflict. To achieve lasting peace and coexistence, we must work together: policymakers, religious leaders and followers of different religions and cultures must unite towards this goal.”

    “For many reasons, we are exceptionally glad to be working with the African Union. The African Union has shown itself ready to include religious leaders in dialogue for peace, and we look forward to working with them toward our common goal, of stemming the tide of violence and conflict in the name of religion.”

    AU – KAICIID Collaboration in 2013
    KAICIID’s cooperation with the African Union Commission began with the regional conference on Interreligious and Intercultural education, held in Addis Ababa at the African Union Conference centre in August 2013. The conference in the Ethiopian capital convened over 30 religious leaders, policymakers and experts working in the field of education, to discuss best practices, challenges and recommendations for this sensitive and important field. Findings from the day-long working meeting were collated in a conference report.

    Recommendations from the African regional conference, together with similar events held in Vienna, Austria; Buenos Aires, Argentina, and New Delhi, India; were showcased at the KAICIID Global Forum in November 2013, a first-of-its-kind event which brought together a diverse group of more than 500 stakeholders, including high-level religious leaders and Ministers of Education from around the world. Ambassador Mussie Hailu, representative of United Religious Initiative at the Economic Commission for Africa and the African Union, and Mr. Filipe Alimo Furuma, Policy Officer and Interfaith Desk at the African Union also participated in the KAICIID Forum.

    Central African Republic Peacebuilding in 2014
    Earlier this year, in May 2014, the KAICIID Dialogue Centre convened a meeting of experts and religious representatives to discuss the facilitation of peacebuilding processes from the Central African Republic. Representatives of Central African Catholic, Islamic and Protestant religious communities, interfaith organizations based in the Central African Republic, as well as mediation experts from national and international organisations, such as Finn Church Aid, the Network of Traditional and Religious Peacemakers, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation’s Special Envoy to the Central African Republic, the United Religion Initiative-Africa, and the All Africa Conference of Churches.

    The experts and religious representatives discussed how international and local organisations can take concrete action to prevent the further deterioration of the situation in Central African Republic. The participants are also helping KAICIID formulate its peacebuilding strategy for the Central African Republic through the facilitation of an inclusive dialogue between religious communities in the country. Ambassador Mussie Hailu who facilitated the working partnership between KAICIID & AUC also took part in these consultations.

    About KAICIID
    KAICIID was established as an international organization in November 2012 to facilitate dialogue among followers of different religions and cultures. KAICIID organizes training, workshops, conferences and educational programmes, and support the mediation of conflict. KAICIID carries out activities under the oversight of a multi-religious Board of Directors and its Council of Parties, comprised of the governments of Austria, Saudi Arabia and Spain, as well as the Holy See, the Founding Observer.

  • Event
    October 09, 2014


    Refugees Tindouf Camp, Sahrawi Republic: 13 October 2014 – The Prime Minister of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) H.E. Mr.Abdelkader Taleb Omar has received in audience on the 13th October 2014 the African Union delegation who arrived in SADR within the framework of the ongoing sensitization and motivation campaign for the election of the 2nd General Assembly of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union (ECOSOCC).
    The Prime Minister appreciated the commitment of the African Union (AU) and the continuous support to his country. He noted that Saharawi Republic is looking forward to exchange experiences with other African countries in differents sectors, highlighting the role of civil society organizations in Saharawi community as well as the leading role of women. The Prime Minister assured that Saharawi Republic will not spare efforts in supporting AU activities and programmes, underlining that Saharawi Republic has been involved in almost all activities carried out by the AU Commission.
    In the honor of AU delegation in visit to Saharawi Republic a dinner has been organized with the Prime Minister H.E. Abdelkader Taleb Omar. The Minister of Cooperation, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the President of the the CSOs plateforme and the Sahrawi Ambassador to the AU attended also this meeting.
    The team led by Mr. Jalel Chelba, from the Civil Society Division of the African Union, briefed the Sahrawi Prime Minister on the objectives of the sensitization campaign as mandated by the Malabo Summit of Heads of State and Government in June 2014. He said the aim is to encourage the Sahrawi civil society to take active part in the upcoming election of the 2nd General Assembly of the ECOSOCC scheduled to take place at the end of the year 2014. He added that AU has undertaken a continental sensitization campaign which touched around thirty African countries and that the campaign will conclude next week in Mauritania. it is to be recalled that the Sensitization meeting in Sahrawi Republic took place on 13th October 2014 in “Residencia Martir Tamek Center” and was attended by an important number of civil society organizations. Addressing the sensitization meeting, H.E. Mr. Brahim Mojtar, Minister for Cooperation, underscored the importance for Saharawi civil society to participate in the upcoming ECOSOCC elections and called CSOs to make its voice heard beyond the local level.
    In his speech to the meeting, the AU Representative highly appreciated the efforts made by Saharawi Republic to ensure the success of the mission at both the official and the civil society levels. Mr. Chelba thanked the Saharawi civil society organizations for collaboration and for their strong engagement to participate in the ECOSOCC elections. He also thanked H.E. Lamine Baali, Ambassador of Saharawi Republic in Ethiopia for the efforts to assist in the success of the mission.
    It is to be recalled that during the visit to Saharawi Republic, the delegation met with four Ministers including three women in charge of Education, Women and Social Affairs and Public Service as well as the Governor of Samara Camp. Mrs. Azza Babyh, Mrs. Khira Bellahi, Adviser to the Presidency, and Mrs Fatma El Mehdi, the Secretary General of the Sahrawi National Union of Women. Field visits have been undertaken during the mission to educational institutions as well as to hospitals in Saharawi Republic.
    The ECOSOCC continental Sensitization and Motivation campaign will end in Nouakchott, Mauritania from 15 to 18 October 2014.

    For further information please contact:
    Mr. Jalel Chelba, Head of Civil Society Division, African Union Commission
    Email: ,
    Mr. Gamal Ahmed A. Karrar, Directorate of Information and Communication, African Union Commission, e-mail: or , Mobile number: +213799470136
    For further information contact
    Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
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  • Event
    October 08, 2014 to October 15, 2014



    Call for applications from African Civil Society Organizations for membership in the Interim ECOSOCC General Assembly

    The ECOSOCC application process is re-opened for a period of three (3) months to allow for greater representation of CSOs from the fifty-four (54) African Union Member States and ensure regional balance. The closing date for receiving applications is 15 October 2014.


    Appel à candidature aux organisations de la société civile africaine pour l’adhésion à l’Assemblée générale intérimaire de l’ECOSOCC.

    Le processus électoral de l’ECOSOCC est rouvert pour une période de trois (3) mois aux fins de permettre une meilleure représentation des organisations de la société civile des cinquante-quatre (54) Etats membres de l’Union africaine et pour garantir l’équilibre régional. La date limite de réception des candidatures est fixée au 15 octobre 2014.


    ANÚNCIO : APELO ÀS CANDIDATURAS AO ECOSOCC (Conselho Sócio-Económico e Cultural da União Africana)

    Apela-se às Organizações da Sociedade Civil (OSC) para se candidatar à Assembleia Geral Interina da ECOSOCC. O processo de candidatura ao ECOSOCC será reaberto por um período de três (3) meses para permitir maior representatividade das OSC de cinquenta e quatro (54) Estados Membros da União Africana (UA) e garantir a representatividade regional. O prazo para as candidaturas termina no dia 15 de outubro de 2014


    إعلان :دعوة لتقديم الطلبات

    دعوة لتقديم الطلبات من منظمات المجتمع المدني الأفريقية للعضوية في الجمعية العامة المؤقتة للاكوسوك ECOSOCC. يتم إعادة فتح اجراءات التقديم للاكوسوك ECOSOCC لمدة ثلاثة (3) أشهر للسماح بتمثيل أكبر لمنظمات المجتمع المدني من الدول الأفريقية الأربعة وخمسين (54) الأعضاء في الاتحاد وضمان التوازن الإقليمي. الموعد النهائي لتلقي الطلبات هو15 أكتوبر 2014.

  • Event
    September 29, 2014

    PRESS RELEASE N. 252/2014
    ECOSOCC: Delegation of the African Union Received by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of Tunisia

    Tunis, Tunisia - September 29, 2014 - Mr. Faisal Gouia, Tunisian Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, received on 29 September 2014, at his office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, members of the African Union delegation on official visit to Tunis within the framework of the ongoing sensitization and motivation campaign of the civil society organisationsto participate in the elections of the Second Assembly of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) of the African Union (AU) .

    During the meeting, the Secretary of State stressed the importance of the fundamental role that of the ECOSOCC with regard to the wellbeing of the African citizens as well as the need to contribute effectively to the achievement of African integration. He indicated that Tunisia values the campaign led by the African Union in view to ensure a successful elections of the General Assembly of ECOSOCC.

    Mr. Faisal Gouia congratulated the AU Commission for its commendable efforts to bring the Union closer to its citizens and to ensure their participation in a democratic and transparent manner to the elections of the 2nd Assembly General ECOSOCC.

    The delegation of the African Union was composed of Mr. Jalel Chelba, Head of the Division of Civil Society in the Department of Civil Society and Diaspora (CIDO) and Ms. Habiba El Mejri Sheikh, Director of Information and Communication (DIC).

    The sensitization meeting at which all Tunisian civil society organizations were invited, will be held on Wednesday, October 1, 2014, from 09.30 in the meeting room of the Centre for Information, Training, Studies and Documentation Associations (IFEDA).

    Media representatives are invited to attend the proceedings of the meeting and to cover the awareness and motivation campaign to be held in the meeting room of the Centre for Information, Training, Studies and Documentation Associations (IFEDA) 66 Avenue Muawiya ibn Abi Sofiane El Menzeh 7.

    For further information, please contact:

    Mr. Jalel Chelba I Division Chief of Civil Society | Department of Citizenship and Diaspora AUC | E-mail:

    Mrs. Habiba Mejri Sheikh | Director of Information and Communication | Department of Information and Communication AUC | E-mail:

    Contact us:
    Directorate of Information and Communication | Commission of the African Union |
    Website: | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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  • Event
    September 29, 2014

    PRESS RELEASE N. 252/2014
    ECOSOCC: Delegation of the African Union Received by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of Tunisia

    Tunis, Tunisia - September 29, 2014 - Mr. Faisal Gouia, Tunisian Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, received on 29 September 2014, at his office at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, members of the African Union delegation on official visit to Tunis within the framework of the ongoing sensitization and motivation campaign of the civil society organisationsto participate in the elections of the Second Assembly of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) of the African Union (AU) .

    During the meeting, the Secretary of State stressed the importance of the fundamental role that of the ECOSOCC with regard to the wellbeing of the African citizens as well as the need to contribute effectively to the achievement of African integration. He indicated that Tunisia values the campaign led by the African Union in view to ensure a successful elections of the General Assembly of ECOSOCC.

    Mr. Faisal Gouia congratulated the AU Commission for its commendable efforts to bring the Union closer to its citizens and to ensure their participation in a democratic and transparent manner to the elections of the 2nd Assembly General ECOSOCC.

    The delegation of the African Union was composed of Mr. Jalel Chelba, Head of the Division of Civil Society in the Department of Civil Society and Diaspora (CIDO) and Ms. Habiba El Mejri Sheikh, Director of Information and Communication (DIC).

    The sensitization meeting at which all Tunisian civil society organizations were invited, will be held on Wednesday, October 1, 2014, from 09.30 in the meeting room of the Centre for Information, Training, Studies and Documentation Associations (IFEDA).

    Media representatives are invited to attend the proceedings of the meeting and to cover the awareness and motivation campaign to be held in the meeting room of the Centre for Information, Training, Studies and Documentation Associations (IFEDA) 66 Avenue Muawiya ibn Abi Sofiane El Menzeh 7.

    For further information, please contact:

    Mr. Jalel Chelba I Division Chief of Civil Society | Department of Citizenship and Diaspora AUC | E-mail:

    Mrs. Habiba Mejri Sheikh | Director of Information and Communication | Department of Information and Communication AUC | E-mail:

    Contact us:
    Directorate of Information and Communication | Commission of the African Union |
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