An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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  • Event
    Press Briefing of the Commissioner for Economic Affairs
    Press Briefing of the Commissioner for Economic Affairs
    January 31, 2014



    Within the frame work of the 22nd AU Summit, H.E. Dr. Anthony Mothae Maruping, Commissioner for Economic Affairs, AUC will, on Friday 31st January 2014 at 16:30, hold a press briefing on the following issue:

    - Africa 2063: Integrating Africa

    The briefing will be held in Briefing Room 1, at the new AU Conference Center, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    Journalist are invited to take part in the press briefing

    Media contact

    Mr. MolaletTsedeke
    Media Center Coordinator
    Directorate of Information and Communication
    AU Commission
    Tel: +251911630631

    For further information contact

    Directorate of Information and Communication /African Union Commission/ E- mail: /Web site: / Addis Ababa / Ethiopia

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  • Event
    Press Briefing of Commissioner for Peace and Security
    January 31, 2014



    Within the frame work of the 22nd AU Summit, H.E. Ambassador Smail Chergui, Commissioner for Peace and Security will on Friday 31st January 2014 at 11:00 hold a briefing on the following issue:

    - Africa 2063:a continent at peace with itself and the rest of the world

    The briefing will be held in Small Conference Hall 4, at the new AU Conference Center, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    Journalist are invited to take part in the press briefing

    Media Contact

    Mr. Molalet Tsedeke
    Media Center Coordinator
    Directorate of Information and Communication
    AU Commission
    Tel:+ 251911630631

    For further information contact

    Directorate of information and communication /African union commission/ E- site: Addis Ababa / Ethiopia

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  • Event
    Motion of Thanks by H.E. Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, President of the Republic of Mali at the closing of the 22nd Ordinary...
    January 31, 2014
  • Event
    Press briefing of Deputy Chairperson of the AUC
    Press briefing of Deputy Chairperson of the AUC
    January 30, 2014

    Within the frame work of the 22nd AU Summit, H.E. Mr. Erastus Mwencha, Deputy Chairperson of the AUC will, on Thursday, 30 January 2014 at 15:00 hold a press briefing on the following issue:
    - Institutional Capacity Building
    The briefing will be held in Small Conference Hall 4, at the new AU
    Conference Center, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
    Journalist are invited to take part in the press briefing Media Contact
    Mr. Molalet Tsedeke
    Media Center Coordinator
    Directorate of Information and Communication AU Commission
    Tel: +251911630631
    For further information contact
    Directorate of information and communication /African union commission/ E- mail:dinfo@africa- site: Addis Ababa / Ethiopia
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  • Event
    Press briefing of the African Court and African Commission
    January 30, 2014

    Within the frame work of the 22nd AU Summit, African Court and African Commission, will on Thursday, 30 January 2014 at16:30 hold a briefing on the following issue:
    - Relationship between the two institutions
    - Development since the last summit
    - The recent cases handled by the court
    During the press conference the following panelists will address the media:
    - Hon. Justice Sophia A. B. Akuffo, President of the Court
    - Hon. Justice Bernard M Ngoepe, Vice President of the Court
    - Hon. Justice Ben Kioko, Member of the Court
    - Hon. Commissioner Zainabou Sylvie Kayitesi
    The briefing will be held in Briefing room 1, at the new AU Conference Center, in
    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
    Journalist are invited to take part in the press briefing
    Media Contact
    Mr. Molalet Tsedeke
    Media Center Coordinator
    Directorate of Information and Communication AU Commission
    Tel: +251911630631
    For further information contact
    Directorate of information and communication /African union commission/ E- mail:dinfo@africa- site: Addis Ababa / Ethiopia
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  • Event
    African Youth Forum: “Accelerate Youth Employment in Africa”
    January 30, 2014


    African Youth Forum: “Accelerate Youth Employment in Africa”

    The Department of the Human Resource Science and Technology in collaboration with the Olusegun Obasanjo Foundation (OOF) organized a Youth Forum on accelerating Youth Employment in Africa on the sidelines of the 22nd African Union Summit on 29 and 30 January in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

    After debating on the theme during the meeting held in United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) on Wednesday 29th January 2014, the invited African youth and the former Nigerian President Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo, discussed and presented the recommendations to the Heads of States during a luncheon held at the African Union Commission today, 30th January 2014.

    The lunch was hosted by Dr. NkosazanaDlaminiZuma, Chairperson of the African Union Commission and Mr. Obasanjowho is the founder and chairman of the OOF. Heads of States of African member states of the AU; among themwere the Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia;the President of Burkina Faso (Host country of the AU special Summit on Employment in 2004), President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania and Chairperson of the African Union and the Chairperson of the African Union Commission.

    The event was moderated and led by Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo and Dr. Martial De-Paul Ikounga, Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology (HRST). The participants discussed the recommendations made by the youths and on the way forward.

    “The Heads of States have heard you and I am sure that they will dialogue with you”, said Dr. NkosazanaDlaminiZuma. She added, “We want you to be the masters of the digital age, the masters of the space age, the masters of the knowledge age, and the masters of the economy age”. She encouraged the youth to input their ideas into what should Africa look like in 2063 before April 2014, through the Agenda 2063 framework.

    Although African countries have seen tremendous economic growth over the recent years, youth unemployment and education are still pressing issues that need to be addressed by policy makers and African leaders. As President Obasanjo said “Education is the basis for the empowerment of the youth.”

    The President of Haiti, Mr. Michel Martelly, shared the Haitian experience regarding alternative funding for education with his peers and the invited guests. He explained the ways in which the Haitian government raised funds from its Diaspora to fund the construction of schools. “131Million Dollars were raised and the entire fund was used to build schools” he said.

    Mr. DessalegneHailemariam, strongly commended the youth not to wait for governments to help them. “You must struggle for your rights and you should have a strong African organization to engage with politicians”. He then added “as leaders we have to lead the process and engage the youth in the building of a prosperous Africa”.

    The event concluded with a message that will be disseminated by the youth. The message included the will to participate actively in reduction of poverty, creating a strong pan African organization and reinforcing leadership of the youth with the assistance of governments at a national and continental level.

    For further information contact
    Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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  • Event
    Seven African Countries Lead the Continent in Malaria Control Annual awards – bestowed at the AU – highlight how Africa...
    January 30, 2014

    30 January, 2014 Contact: Saleemah Abdul-Ghafur
    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
    +251 939 643 193
    Annual awards – bestowed at the AU – highlight how Africa’s future
    is inextricably tied to progress in defeating malaria
    Today during the official opening of the African Union Summit of heads of state, H.E. Armando Guebuza, President of Mozambique, conferred the 2014 African Leaders Malaria Alliance (ALMA) Awards for Excellence in Vector Control to Cape Verde, Madagascar, Malawi, Namibia, Rwanda, São Tomé and Príncipe,and Swaziland. Each country has demonstrated exemplary leadership in maintaining at least 95% coverage year round of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLIN) and/or Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) interventions, the most important tools in preventing malaria.
    Malaria is a leading cause of child deaths and kills 627,000 people every year, most in Africa. The continent has made tremendous progress in the delivery and use of life-saving tools in the fight against malaria, including LLINs, IRS, rapid diagnostic tests, and effective treatments, including preventative care during pregnancy.

    Yet malaria continues to wreak a huge toll on Africa. It burdens already fragile health systems; it is a leading cause of absenteeism in schools; it negatively impacts agricultural productivity and businesses large and small when employees and entrepreneurs are kept from their work; and it robs African countries of at least USD $12billion every year in economic potential.
    “We cannot lose ground in our struggle to end preventable deaths and suffering from malaria” said President Guebuza, who serves as Chair of ALMA. “Our people and our communities are counting on us to continue to scale proveninterventions to insure that no African loses their livelihood or life to this ancient disease.”
    Last month, the World Malaria Report declared that as a result of significant scaling-up of malaria control interventions, an estimated 3.1 million lives have been saved in Africa since 2000, reducing malaria mortality rates by 49%. And while funding challenges remain, resources for malaria prevention globally have grown from $100 million in 2000 to an estimated $1.9 billion in 2013. ALMA’s current Chair, H. E. President Guebuza of Mozambique, has rallied his peers and partners to increase malaria funding so that we sustain these impressive gains.

    ALMA was founded by H.E. President Jakaya Kikwete of the United Republic of Tanzania to create a platform for Africa’s presidents and prime ministers to accelerate action on malaria prevention and control. ALMA’s second chair, H.E. President Ellen Sirleaf of Liberia, continued to promote performance and accountability through the innovative ALMA Scorecard for Accountability and Action. Winners of ALMA’s Awards for Excellence are selected by an independent committee representing the World Health Organization (WHO), Roll Back Malaria (RBM), the private sector, civil society and academia. For more information about ALMA and for a profile of the progress shown by the seven winning countries, please visit

  • Event
    Opening session of the 22nd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union
    January 30, 2014


    Opening session of the 22nd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union

    WHAT: Opening session of the 22nd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union. The opening ceremony will comprise the following agenda items:
    • H.E. Ato Hailemariam Dessalegn, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Chairman of the African Union, declares the beginning of the Session (2 minutes)
    • AU Anthem (3 minutes)
    • Minute of silence in memory of the Late former President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela of the Republic of South Africa
    • Statement by H.E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union (10 minutes)
    • Statement by H.E. Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine and Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) Executive Committee (7 minutes)
    • Statement by H.E. Dr. Nabil Elaraby, Secretary General of the League of Arab States (LAS) (7 Minutes)
    • Statement by the Guest of Honour, H.E. Mrs. Park Geun-hye, President of the Republic of Korea (7 minutes)
    • Opening Statement by H.E. Ato Hailemariam Dessalegn, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Chairman of the African Union (15 minutes)
    • Election of the Chairperson of the African Union and members of the Bureau and members of the Drafting Committee (Announcement of the results of the elections by the Dean of the African Diplomatic Corps) (7 minutes)
    • Acceptance Statement by the incoming Chairperson of the Union (7 minutes)
    • Awards Ceremony for the Kwame Nkrumah Scientific Awards for 2014 (10 minutes)
    • Prof. Andre Bationo, from Burkina Faso, Winner in the field of Earth and Life Sciences
    • Prof. Kayode Oyebode Adebowale, from Nigeria, Winner in the field of Basic Sciance, Technology and Innovation
    • ALMA Award Ceremony for selected Laureates by the chair of ALMA, H.E. Armando Guebuza, President of the Republic of Mozambique
    • Signing of AU Treaties (continuous during the Session)
    • Launch of “2014 Year of Agriculture and Food Security, Marking 10th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP)”

    A group photograph is scheduled immediately after the opening ceremony. Strict order and discipline are advised for the taking of the photograph.

    WHEN: 30 January 2014 at 10:00. Media personnel are advised to arrive early in order to be in position in time for the opening ceremony.

    WHERE: Large Conference Hall, African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa Ethiopia

    Media personnel are advised to refer to the attached media tips for information on how to access the AU premises and conference rooms, as well as facilities and services available for all media.

    For further information contact
    Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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  • Event
    Global learning crisis is costing $129 billion a year
    January 30, 2014

    Press Release
    Global learning crisis is costing $129 billion a year
    Crisis will affect generations of children without action to boost teaching, report warns.

    Strict embargo until 29 January 00.01 GMT:
    The 11th Education for All Global Monitoring Report reveals that a global learning crisis is costing governments $129 billion a year. Ten per cent of global spending on primary education is being lost on poor quality education that is failing to ensure that children learn. This situation leaves one in four young people in poor countries unable to read a single sentence. The Report concludes that good teachers are the key to improvement and calls on governments to provide the best in the profession to those who need them most.
    This year’s Report, Teaching and learning: Achieving quality for all, warns that without attracting and adequately training enough teachers the learning crisis will last for several generations and hit the disadvantaged hardest. In many sub-Saharan African countries, for example, the Report reveals that only one in five of the poorest children reach the end of primary school having learnt the basics in reading and mathematics.
    Poor quality education is leaving a legacy of illiteracy more widespread than previously believed. Around 175 million young people in poor countries – equivalent to around one quarter of the youth population – cannot read all or part of a sentence, affecting one third of young women in South and West Asia. On current trends, the Report projects that it will take until 2072 for all the poorest young women in developing countries to be literate; and possibly until the next century for all girls from the poorest families in sub-Saharan Africa to finish lower secondary school.
    In a third of countries analysed by the Report, less than three-quarters of existing primary school teachers are trained to national standards. In West Africa, where few children are learning the basics, teachers on temporary contracts with low pay and little formal training make up more than half of the teaching force.
    “Teachers have the future of this generation in their hands,” said UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova. “We need 5.2 million teachers to be recruited by 2015, and we need to work harder to support them in providing children with their right to a universal, free and quality education. We must also make sure that there is an explicit commitment to equity in new global education goals set after 2015, with indicators tracking the progress of the marginalized so that no one is left behind.”
    The Report calculates that the cost of 250 million children around the world not learning the basics translates into a loss of an estimated $129 billion. In total, 37 countries are losing at least half the amount they spend on primary education because children are not learning. By contrast, the Report shows that ensuring an equal, quality education for all can generate huge economic rewards, increasing a country’s gross domestic product per capita by 23 per cent over 40 years.
    Even in high-income countries, education systems are failing significant minorities. In New Zealand, while almost all students from rich households achieved minimum standards in grades 4 and 8, only two-thirds of poor students did. Immigrants in rich countries are also left behind: in France, for example, fewer than 60 per cent of immigrants have reached the minimum benchmark in reading.
    The Report shows that to achieve good quality education for all, governments must provide enough trained teachers, and focus their teacher policies on meeting the needs of the disadvantaged. This means attracting the best candidates into teaching; giving them relevant training; deploying them within countries to areas where they are needed most; and offering them incentives to make a long-term commitment to teaching. The Report also highlights the need to address gender-based violence in schools, a major barrier to quality and equality in education. It underscores the importance of curriculum and assessment strategies to promote inclusion and improve learning.
    Pauline Rose, the director of the EFA Global Monitoring Report, said: “What’s the point in an education if children emerge after years in school without the skills they need? The huge numbers of illiterate children and young people mean it is crucial that equality in access and learning be placed at the heart of future education goals. New goals after 2015 must make sure every child is not only in school, but learning what they need to learn.”
    The Report makes the following recommendations:
    1. New education goals after 2015 must include an explicit commitment to equity so that every child has an equal chance of an education. New goals need clear, measurable targets with indicators that will track the progress of the most disadvantaged.
    2. New goals after 2015 must ensure that every child is in school and learning the basics. Children do not only have the right to be in school, but also to learn while there, and to emerge with the skills they need to find secure, well-paid work.
    3. Ensure the best teachers reach the learners who need them most. National education plans must include an explicit commitment to reaching the marginalized. Teachers should be recruited locally, or have similar backgrounds to disadvantaged learners. Every teacher needs pre- and in-service training on ways to target support to disadvantaged children. Incentives must be provided to ensure the best teachers work in remote, under-served areas. Governments must work to retain their best teachers, providing pay that meets at least their basic needs, good working conditions and a career path.

    For interviews, photos, b-roll, pre-edited videos, quotes or case studies of teachers or children please contact:
    Kate Redman : 0033 6 71 78 62 34
    Sue Williams: 0033 1 45 68 17 06 or 0033 6 15 92 93 62

    Notes to Editors:
    Developed by an independent team and published by UNESCO, the Education for All Global Monitoring Report is an authoritative reference that aims to inform, influence and sustain genuine commitment towards Education for All.
    @EFAReport / GMR Facebook Web: | World Education Blog:

    The global GMR launch in Addis Ababa is held in cooperation with the Government of
    Ethiopia and the African Union Commission.

  • Event
    New Chairperson and members of the bureau elected at AU Assembly meeting
    New Chairperson and members of the bureau elected at AU Assembly meeting
    January 30, 2014


    New Chairperson and members of the bureau elected at AU Assembly meeting

    Addis Ababa, 30 January 2014. This morning marked the official opening of the 22ndOrdinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of States and Governments of the African Union.

    The Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, the Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of Congo announced the results of the electionto the Assembly.

    The new Chairperson of the African Union is Mr Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania.He replaces former Chairperson Mr. Hailemariam Dessalegn, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

    Zimbabwe was elected as first Vice President, the second Vice Presidency went to the Democratic Republic of Congo and the third Vice President is Nigeria. Ethiopia was designated as Rapporteur.
    BBT/ eta/wzm

    For further information contact
    Directorateof Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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  • Event
    AUC Chairperson in audience with US Deputy of State
    AUC Chairperson in audience with US Deputy of State
    January 30, 2014

    Press Release Nº31/22nd AU SUMMIT

    AUC Chairperson in audience with US Deputy of State

    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 30 January, 2014:The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, H.E. Dr. NkosazanaDlaminiZumaon Thursday 30 January 2014, granted audience to US Deputy Secretary of State, William Burns who was heading the US delegationto the 22nd Assembly of Heads of State and Government holding in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 30-31 January 2014.

    The AU Commission Chairperson and the Deputy Secretary of State discussed issues of mutual interest aimed at strengthening their cooperation.

    Dr. DlaminiZumahighlighted investment in people, industrialisation, intra-African trade, and others, as important areas in which US partnership with Africa would help the continentto move forward. She underscored the importance of African partners taking the continent’s priority areas into consideration.

    Mr Burns concurred that these are areas in which President Obama takes keen interest in working with Africa to unleash its potential. He noted that these areas would be discussed further in a Summit to be held in August, to which President Obama is inviting African leaders. The US, he said, looks forward to working with the AU on peace and security in South Sudan, Central African Republic and other areas.

    The AUC Chairperson also expressed gratitude to the US for its support inthe airlifting of Rwandan soldiers to support the AU peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic.


    For further information contact
    Directorateof Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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  • Event
    President Abdel Aziz of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania elected African Union Chairperson
    President Abdel Aziz of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania elected African Union Chairperson
    January 30, 2014


    President Abdel Aziz of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania elected African Union Chairperson

    Addis Ababa, 30 January 2014- At the opening ceremony of the African Union’s Assembly of Heads of States and Government, the President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Mr. Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz was elected as the new Chairperson of the Union. He replaces the Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Mr Hailemariam Dessalegn. The Chairpersonship of the African Union rotates annually.

    In his acceptance speech, President Abdel Aziz thanked the Ethiopian government for hosting him and other dignitaries with great warmth and hospitality and commended this as being in the true spirit of African co-operation and development. He emphasised the need for Africa to continue to stand united in its pursuit of development and pointed specifically to the co-operative use of natural resources as a source of strength on the continent.

    President Abdel Aziz highlighted the urgency of integrated environmental protection and food security measures. He hailed 2014, the Year of Agriculture and Food Security in Africa, as the opportune time to continue work towards sustainable environmental and agricultural practices. He pointed to the harnessing of the Senegal River’s hydroelectric capacity to generate power across the Senegalese, Malian and Mauritanian borders as an example of the success of inter-governmental development efforts and encouraged nations across the continent to strive to work together for sustainable development. Through the co-operative use of water and land resources specifically, he said, Africa can increase the size and yield of its cultivated land and tackle the issues of food insecurity and hunger.

    Effective and innovative development of the energy and agricultural sectors, he said, had the capacity to radically improve the lives of Africa’s diverse citizenry in a number of ways. Transforming the rural economy through modernised irrigation practices as well as transforming the livestock sector will significantly impact economic growth and reduce poverty on the continent. This will, in turn, combat the spread of diseases such as malaria and HIV/AIDS and improve the general health of Africa’s citizens.

    Speaking on issues of peace and security, the new Chairperson congratulated the Democratic Republic of Congo on the signing of a cease fire agreement and was encouraged by the continuing progress towards peace and stability in Tunisia, and the Central African Republic, which recently elected its interim president. President Abdel Aziz underscored the need for African nations to stand in aid of one another during times of conflict and to strengthen Africa’s role and strength in international matters.

    Chairperson Abdel Aziz re-iterated that Africa needs continental solutions to continental issues. He affirmed that with the continent’s vast human and natural resources, Africa has the capacity for rapid and sustainable development which can see it become a world leader in environmental innovation and sustainable growth.

    For further information contact
    Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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