An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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  • Event
    September 07, 2015

    Validation Workshop on Air Transport Service in Ethiopia

    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – 07 September 2015. The Validation Workshop for the Report on Air Transport Services in Ethiopia was held at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa on 7 September 2015. The workshop was organized by the Department of Trade and industry of the African Union Commission, in collaboration with United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The objective of the validation workshop was to bring together various stakeholders in the air transport industry with a view of engaging the relevant stakeholders to review the findings of the draft reports and contribute to the finalization of the report.

    Addressing the participants during the opening ceremony, Mr. Atnafseged Kifle, Advisor to the State Minister, Ministry of Transport thanked the African union Commission for organizing the workshop and highlighted that the Ministry of Transport is interested in the findings of the report in light of the importance of Air Transport liberalization in the context of global, continental and domestic aviation and the potential of the sector has for Africa.

    Taking the floor, Mr. James Wakiaga representing the UNDP Country Representative extended his appreciation to the African Union Commission for coordinating the workshop and underscored the fact that “UNDP support to the trade project was driven by the imperative of promoting inclusive globalization, and Africa taking its rightful position in global trade and competitiveness. Trade in services has become an emerging opportunity given its significant contribution to GDP in many African countries“. Mr. Wakiaga emphasized the commitment of UNDP to support the AUC and highlighted the availability of the UNDP regional office to support the programmes on boosting intra-African trade.

    After welcoming the participants, H.E Mrs. Fatima H Acyl, Commissioner for Trade and Industry, commended the government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia for the partnership and support in conducting the study on Air Transport Services in Ethiopia. She thanked the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for their commitment and support to promote Africa’s trade and integration Agenda. H.E highlighted some latest research indicating that developing countries are shifting towards services sooner and at a lower level of per capita income than has been the case in the traditional development trajectory”. She underscored, “despite the success stories from Ethiopia, Nigeria and Burkina Faso, there is a big gap between the awareness of government in the public sector and service operators and firms in the private sector, where ‘de facto’ integration in services is happening in many areas”.

    The Commissioner pointed out that “ Raising awareness to overcome this ‘perception gap’ in Africa is critical at the continental level as well as at the sub-regional and national levels, where the incorporation of service sector development into mainstream economic planning and development priorities remains lagging”. She wished a successful deliberation and opened the workshop officially. MT

    Full speeches are available on:

    The workshop was attended by the representatives o;, The Ministry of Transport, Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority, National Aviation Academy, Abyssinian Flight Institute, International Growth Centre, Travel Agencies, Ethiopia Chamber of Commerce, UNDP and ECA among others..

    Media Contact

    Meaza Tezera, Department of Trade and Industry, +251912120442, Email: .

    For More information, please Contact Ms. Carolyne Tumuhimbise,

    For further information:

    Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: | Web Site: | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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  • Event
    September 07, 2015

    Validation Workshop on Air Transport Service in Ethiopia

    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – 07 September 2015. The Validation Workshop for the Report on Air Transport Services in Ethiopia was held at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa on 7 September 2015. The workshop was organized by the Department of Trade and industry of the African Union Commission, in collaboration with United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The objective of the validation workshop was to bring together various stakeholders in the air transport industry with a view of engaging the relevant stakeholders to review the findings of the draft reports and contribute to the finalization of the report.

    Addressing the participants during the opening ceremony, Mr. Atnafseged Kifle, Advisor to the State Minister, Ministry of Transport thanked the African union Commission for organizing the workshop and highlighted that the Ministry of Transport is interested in the findings of the report in light of the importance of Air Transport liberalization in the context of global, continental and domestic aviation and the potential of the sector has for Africa.

    Taking the floor, Mr. James Wakiaga representing the UNDP Country Representative extended his appreciation to the African Union Commission for coordinating the workshop and underscored the fact that “UNDP support to the trade project was driven by the imperative of promoting inclusive globalization, and Africa taking its rightful position in global trade and competitiveness. Trade in services has become an emerging opportunity given its significant contribution to GDP in many African countries“. Mr. Wakiaga emphasized the commitment of UNDP to support the AUC and highlighted the availability of the UNDP regional office to support the programmes on boosting intra-African trade.

    After welcoming the participants, H.E Mrs. Fatima H Acyl, Commissioner for Trade and Industry, commended the government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia for the partnership and support in conducting the study on Air Transport Services in Ethiopia. She thanked the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for their commitment and support to promote Africa’s trade and integration Agenda. H.E highlighted some latest research indicating that developing countries are shifting towards services sooner and at a lower level of per capita income than has been the case in the traditional development trajectory”. She underscored, “despite the success stories from Ethiopia, Nigeria and Burkina Faso, there is a big gap between the awareness of government in the public sector and service operators and firms in the private sector, where ‘de facto’ integration in services is happening in many areas”.

    The Commissioner pointed out that “ Raising awareness to overcome this ‘perception gap’ in Africa is critical at the continental level as well as at the sub-regional and national levels, where the incorporation of service sector development into mainstream economic planning and development priorities remains lagging”. She wished a successful deliberation and opened the workshop officially. MT

    Full speeches are available on:

    The workshop was attended by the representatives o;, The Ministry of Transport, Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority, National Aviation Academy, Abyssinian Flight Institute, International Growth Centre, Travel Agencies, Ethiopia Chamber of Commerce, UNDP and ECA among others..

    Media Contact

    Meaza Tezera, Department of Trade and Industry, +251912120442, Email: .

    For More information, please Contact Ms. Carolyne Tumuhimbise,

    For further information:

    Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: | Web Site: | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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  • Event
    September 07, 2015

    Validation Workshop on Air Transport Service in Ethiopia

    Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – 07 September 2015. The Validation Workshop for the Report on Air Transport Services in Ethiopia was held at the AU Headquarters in Addis Ababa on 7 September 2015. The workshop was organized by the Department of Trade and industry of the African Union Commission, in collaboration with United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The objective of the validation workshop was to bring together various stakeholders in the air transport industry with a view of engaging the relevant stakeholders to review the findings of the draft reports and contribute to the finalization of the report.

    Addressing the participants during the opening ceremony, Mr. Atnafseged Kifle, Advisor to the State Minister, Ministry of Transport thanked the African union Commission for organizing the workshop and highlighted that the Ministry of Transport is interested in the findings of the report in light of the importance of Air Transport liberalization in the context of global, continental and domestic aviation and the potential of the sector has for Africa.

    Taking the floor, Mr. James Wakiaga representing the UNDP Country Representative extended his appreciation to the African Union Commission for coordinating the workshop and underscored the fact that “UNDP support to the trade project was driven by the imperative of promoting inclusive globalization, and Africa taking its rightful position in global trade and competitiveness. Trade in services has become an emerging opportunity given its significant contribution to GDP in many African countries“. Mr. Wakiaga emphasized the commitment of UNDP to support the AUC and highlighted the availability of the UNDP regional office to support the programmes on boosting intra-African trade.

    After welcoming the participants, H.E Mrs. Fatima H Acyl, Commissioner for Trade and Industry, commended the government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia for the partnership and support in conducting the study on Air Transport Services in Ethiopia. She thanked the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for their commitment and support to promote Africa’s trade and integration Agenda. H.E highlighted some latest research indicating that developing countries are shifting towards services sooner and at a lower level of per capita income than has been the case in the traditional development trajectory”. She underscored, “despite the success stories from Ethiopia, Nigeria and Burkina Faso, there is a big gap between the awareness of government in the public sector and service operators and firms in the private sector, where ‘de facto’ integration in services is happening in many areas”.

    The Commissioner pointed out that “ Raising awareness to overcome this ‘perception gap’ in Africa is critical at the continental level as well as at the sub-regional and national levels, where the incorporation of service sector development into mainstream economic planning and development priorities remains lagging”. She wished a successful deliberation and opened the workshop officially. MT

    Full speeches are available on:

    The workshop was attended by the representatives o;, The Ministry of Transport, Ethiopian Civil Aviation Authority, National Aviation Academy, Abyssinian Flight Institute, International Growth Centre, Travel Agencies, Ethiopia Chamber of Commerce, UNDP and ECA among others..

    Media Contact

    Meaza Tezera, Department of Trade and Industry, +251912120442, Email: .

    For More information, please Contact Ms. Carolyne Tumuhimbise,

    For further information:

    Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: | Web Site: | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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  • Event
    African Mining Vision (AMV): Grooming Home Grown Legal Experts for the Mining Sector
    September 04, 2015

    CAPE TOWN, South Africa September 4, 2015¬— CAPE TOWN, South Africa September 4, 2015­—Under the African Mining Legislation Atlas (AMLA) project[1], the World Bank Group and its formal partners the African Legal Support Facility (ALSF) and the University of Cape Town (UCT) gathered African law students from around the continent for a 10 day (28th August – 6th September 2015) training on the legal aspects of Africa’s mining sector. This year’s training also included the active attendance and participation of the African Union Commission (AUC), which presented the demands (needs) of the Africa Mining Vision and its implementation for home grown, well researched and tested solutions to the diverse challenges faced by African Union member States. This also resonates with the need for the implementation and ultimate achievement of the Agenda 2063 and the Common African Position (CAP) on post 2015 development agenda for social and economic structural transformation of African economies.

    For the second year in a row, the World Bank and its partners selected advanced law students from over a dozen African institutions in 17 countries, representing all four regions of the continent. Students included 16 women and 14 men, and spoke French, Portuguese, Arabic and English in addition to numerous local languages throughout the course of the training.

    Students received access to preeminent legal scholars and practicing lawyers across a diverse range of specializations. The training included sessions on local content, community development, fiscal regimes, beneficiation, environmental protection, as well as in depth exposure to common types of mining licenses just to name a few sessions.

    The training exposed law students on two levels: on one hand, detailing the legal issues that impact the legislative frameworks of Africa’s mining sector; and on the other hand, introducing students to the AMLA platform which is being populated with the primary mining codes, regulations, and related legislation of all African countries by a legal research team made up of the best students selected from last year’s training. Select students will also be invited to join the legal research team after this year’s training.

    In addition to teaching the students, the training also brought together the academic supervisors from each represented law faculty in a series of parallel sessions at the beginning of the training. There was a resounding consensus on the absence of mineral law courses across continent. Professors discussed ways to increase collaborations across African academic institutions in the development of mineral law short courses, degree programs, and cross-border learning to further build Africa’s own legal expertise in the mining sector.

    By the end of the parallel sessions, the professors had agreed as a group to begin developing a series of short courses on the legal aspects of the mining sector in the first half of 2016. This consensus is the first piece in laying the foundation for the handover of the AMLA platform to an African institution, ensuring the long term sustainability of the AMLA platform as an up to date legal resource in the mining sector in the future. AUC is committed to continue working with the key partners of AMLA Project (World Bank, ALSF, UCT and participating Universities and Institutions) in ensuring its sustainability.

    For further information regarding the AMLA Project please visit the Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development ( To visit the AMLA platform please go to The Project welcomes feedback on the usefulness and accuracy of the platform. Comments can be sent to

    For More information, please Contact Mr. Frank Mugyenyi , Sr.Industry Advisor, Email:

    For further information:

    Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: | Web Site: | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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  • Event
    African Mining Vision (AMV): Grooming Home Grown Legal Experts for the Mining Sector
    September 04, 2015

    CAPE TOWN, South Africa September 4, 2015¬— CAPE TOWN, South Africa September 4, 2015­—Under the African Mining Legislation Atlas (AMLA) project[1], the World Bank Group and its formal partners the African Legal Support Facility (ALSF) and the University of Cape Town (UCT) gathered African law students from around the continent for a 10 day (28th August – 6th September 2015) training on the legal aspects of Africa’s mining sector. This year’s training also included the active attendance and participation of the African Union Commission (AUC), which presented the demands (needs) of the Africa Mining Vision and its implementation for home grown, well researched and tested solutions to the diverse challenges faced by African Union member States. This also resonates with the need for the implementation and ultimate achievement of the Agenda 2063 and the Common African Position (CAP) on post 2015 development agenda for social and economic structural transformation of African economies.

    For the second year in a row, the World Bank and its partners selected advanced law students from over a dozen African institutions in 17 countries, representing all four regions of the continent. Students included 16 women and 14 men, and spoke French, Portuguese, Arabic and English in addition to numerous local languages throughout the course of the training.

    Students received access to preeminent legal scholars and practicing lawyers across a diverse range of specializations. The training included sessions on local content, community development, fiscal regimes, beneficiation, environmental protection, as well as in depth exposure to common types of mining licenses just to name a few sessions.

    The training exposed law students on two levels: on one hand, detailing the legal issues that impact the legislative frameworks of Africa’s mining sector; and on the other hand, introducing students to the AMLA platform which is being populated with the primary mining codes, regulations, and related legislation of all African countries by a legal research team made up of the best students selected from last year’s training. Select students will also be invited to join the legal research team after this year’s training.

    In addition to teaching the students, the training also brought together the academic supervisors from each represented law faculty in a series of parallel sessions at the beginning of the training. There was a resounding consensus on the absence of mineral law courses across continent. Professors discussed ways to increase collaborations across African academic institutions in the development of mineral law short courses, degree programs, and cross-border learning to further build Africa’s own legal expertise in the mining sector.

    By the end of the parallel sessions, the professors had agreed as a group to begin developing a series of short courses on the legal aspects of the mining sector in the first half of 2016. This consensus is the first piece in laying the foundation for the handover of the AMLA platform to an African institution, ensuring the long term sustainability of the AMLA platform as an up to date legal resource in the mining sector in the future. AUC is committed to continue working with the key partners of AMLA Project (World Bank, ALSF, UCT and participating Universities and Institutions) in ensuring its sustainability.

    For further information regarding the AMLA Project please visit the Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development ( To visit the AMLA platform please go to The Project welcomes feedback on the usefulness and accuracy of the platform. Comments can be sent to

    For More information, please Contact Mr. Frank Mugyenyi , Sr.Industry Advisor, Email:

    For further information:

    Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: | Web Site: | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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  • Event
    August 26, 2015

    Press Release N°200/2015

    H.E Mrs. Fatima H. Acyl, Commissioner, Trade and Industry, heads the AUC Delegation to the 14th AGOA Forum in Libreville, Gabon

    Libreville, Gabon - 26 August 2015. The 14th African Growth and Opportunity Forum kicked off today under the Theme "AGOA at 15: Charting a course for a sustainable US-Africa Trade and Investment Partnership”. It was preceded on 24th and 25th by a Senior Officials' Meeting and an African Trade Ministerial Consultative meeting respectively in order to enable AGOA eligible countries to discuss and harmonize their views on the various issues pertaining to the new legislation and the future of U.S-Africa trade relationship, prior to meeting the U.S. side. It is to be recalled that the United States approved the reauthorization of AGOA for another ten years up to 2025, following extensive advocacy efforts undertaken by Member States and the African Union Commission.

    In her address to the Ministers at the opening of the African Trade Ministerial Consultative meeting on 25th August, H.E. Mrs. Fatima Haram Acyl, Commissioner for Trade and Industry, who heads the AUC delegation to the AGOA Forum, stressed the importance for all African stakeholders, including Governments, private sector, civil society, women and youth to be adequately informed of all challenges and opportunities of the new legislation in order to effectively take advantage. "It behooves us to popularize the new legislation both in the public and private sectors so that together we can respond positively to the expectations". She called on eligible Member States to formulate their AGOA national response strategies as quickly as possible, to take the necessary measures to increase the competitiveness of African products In order to benefit from market access to the U.S., to create employment for the youth and to mobilize both domestic and foreign investment. "Agriculture, industry and trade are interrelated and create employment. Africa produces 10 million young job seekers every year ...who want to participate effectively in the continent's development. It is our responsibility to give them a chance so that they do not fall prey to illegal migration or terrorism".

    In the margins of the Forum, Commissioner Acyl gave a press conference, on August 25, 2015, to the African and international media, will co-chair a plenary session of the Forum on supporting African women entrepreneurs to participate in global value chains and will serve as panelist on promoting intra-African trade and regional integration through sustainable investments.

    Commissioner Acyl will also have a series of high level meetings with Ambassador Michael Froman, U.S. Trade Representative, Mrs. Linda Thomas Greenfield, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Ms. Dana Hyde, CEO of the Millennium Challenge Corporation as well as with a bipartisan congressional delegation led by Congressman Erik Paulsen ( Republican, Minnesota).

    Departmental Contact: Mrs. Tarana Loumabeka; Email:

    For further information:

    Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: | Web Site: | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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  • Event
    August 26, 2015

    Press Release N°200/2015

    H.E Mrs. Fatima H. Acyl, Commissioner, Trade and Industry, heads the AUC Delegation to the 14th AGOA Forum in Libreville, Gabon

    Libreville, Gabon - 26 August 2015. The 14th African Growth and Opportunity Forum kicked off today under the Theme "AGOA at 15: Charting a course for a sustainable US-Africa Trade and Investment Partnership”. It was preceded on 24th and 25th by a Senior Officials' Meeting and an African Trade Ministerial Consultative meeting respectively in order to enable AGOA eligible countries to discuss and harmonize their views on the various issues pertaining to the new legislation and the future of U.S-Africa trade relationship, prior to meeting the U.S. side. It is to be recalled that the United States approved the reauthorization of AGOA for another ten years up to 2025, following extensive advocacy efforts undertaken by Member States and the African Union Commission.

    In her address to the Ministers at the opening of the African Trade Ministerial Consultative meeting on 25th August, H.E. Mrs. Fatima Haram Acyl, Commissioner for Trade and Industry, who heads the AUC delegation to the AGOA Forum, stressed the importance for all African stakeholders, including Governments, private sector, civil society, women and youth to be adequately informed of all challenges and opportunities of the new legislation in order to effectively take advantage. "It behooves us to popularize the new legislation both in the public and private sectors so that together we can respond positively to the expectations". She called on eligible Member States to formulate their AGOA national response strategies as quickly as possible, to take the necessary measures to increase the competitiveness of African products In order to benefit from market access to the U.S., to create employment for the youth and to mobilize both domestic and foreign investment. "Agriculture, industry and trade are interrelated and create employment. Africa produces 10 million young job seekers every year ...who want to participate effectively in the continent's development. It is our responsibility to give them a chance so that they do not fall prey to illegal migration or terrorism".

    In the margins of the Forum, Commissioner Acyl gave a press conference, on August 25, 2015, to the African and international media, will co-chair a plenary session of the Forum on supporting African women entrepreneurs to participate in global value chains and will serve as panelist on promoting intra-African trade and regional integration through sustainable investments.

    Commissioner Acyl will also have a series of high level meetings with Ambassador Michael Froman, U.S. Trade Representative, Mrs. Linda Thomas Greenfield, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Ms. Dana Hyde, CEO of the Millennium Challenge Corporation as well as with a bipartisan congressional delegation led by Congressman Erik Paulsen ( Republican, Minnesota).

    Departmental Contact: Mrs. Tarana Loumabeka; Email:

    For further information:

    Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: | Web Site: | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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  • Event
    August 24, 2015 to August 28, 2015

    Press Release N°196/2015
    Training Workshop on Trade in Services Negotiations for AU-CFTA Negotiators

    Nairobi, Kenya – 24 August 2015. Training Workshop on Trade in Services Negotiation–
    Training Workshop on Trade in Services Negotiation organized by the Department of Trade and Industry of the African Union Commission(AUC), in collaboration with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) commenced today at the Hilton Hotel, Nairobi. The workshop is held with the general objective to build the capacity of services negotiators in Africa to effectively benefit from trade in services opportunities at bi-lateral, regional and multilateral levels but most importantly to prepare for the CFTA negotiations on Services that were launched at the AU Summit in June 2015 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The Workshop will also provide a forum to share experiences of successful services exports and brain storm on a strategy for CFTA Services Negotiations .

    Mr. Bonapas Onguglo, Senior Economic Affairs Officer, UNCTAD welcomed all the participants to the Training and express his gratituted and appreciation to the government of Kenya and the African Union Commission (AUC) for co-hosting this training workshop.

    Mrs. Joyce Ogundo, Director of Economic and International Trade from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade in Kenya, delivered the Opening Statement on behalf Dr. Amb. Amina C. Mohammed, Cabinet secretary , Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. In her statement, she welcomed participants to Kenya and thanked the organisers for choosing Kenya as a host of this workshop. She commended the AUC for the intitiative and thanked UNCTAD for the support in organizing this training which will provide an opportunity for developing a network of experts that will drive the services negotiations under the Continental Free Trade Area(CFTA). Ms. Ogundo recalled the two important June 2015 milestones namely; the Launch of the Tripartite Free Trade Area and the launch of the CFTA Negotiations which she said “ have energized the Political impetus for the creation of the Africa Economic Community in line with the mandate of the 1991 Abuja Treaty” She noted that within the WTO Doha Round of Negotiations, trade in services is considered as one of the areas that could elicit consensus at the forthcoming WTO 10th Ministerial that will take place in Nairobi in December 2015”

    In conclusion, she reiterated the commitment of Kenya towards the achievement of the CFTA and declared the Workshop Officially Open.

    Mrs. Treasure Maphanga, Director of Trade and Industry , African Union Commission , extended her gratitude to the government of Kenya for hosting the workshop and commitment in supporting the private sector in service exports . She underscored that the timing of the Training Workshop stems from the mandate to negotatite a Continental Free Trade Area for Goods and Services by indicative date of 2017. She noted the need to “build the capacity of AU Member States to explore trade in services potential that lies within our continent “ . in this regards she commenced UNCTAD the Co-organizer of the workshop for their tremendous contribution to trade in services in the continent. She also recognized the collaboration between various AUC departments represented at the workshop including , Economic Affairs, Social Affairs, DREA ,HRST and DTI

    Mrs. Maphanga noted that UNCTAD Economic Development Report 2015; focusing on Services potential for Africa, as yet another source of evidence and confirmation of the contribution of the Services sector to Africa’s economic growth potential. A competitive manufacturing and agricultural sectors is based on an efficient Services sector, to curb the costs of production and to participate in the regional and global value chains.

    She concluded by emphasizing the objective of the workshop which is “to build the capacity of Services Negotiators in Africa to effectively benefit from trade in Services opportunities at bi-lateral, regional and multilateral levels but most importantly to prepare for the CFTA negotiations on Services which were launched in June 2015”. A similar training workshop for the French Speaking African Countries is scheduled to be held in October 2015 in Benin, as part of the initial capacity building initiatives for the CFTA negotiations.

    Full speeches are available on:

    AUC, AU Member States, COMESA, SADC, IGAD, ECOWAS and EAC, International organizations and UN agencies such as the WTO, TRALAC, EU, UNDP,ILEAP, UNCTAD and FAO , Regional and Representatives of the private sector , are attending this meeting .

    For More information, please Contact Mrs. Carolyne Tumuhimbise , Trade Advisor, Email:

    Media Contact

    Meaza Tezera, Department of Trade and Industry, +251912120442, Email: .

    For further information:

    Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: | Web Site: | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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  • Event
    August 24, 2015 to August 28, 2015

    Press Release N°196/2015
    Training Workshop on Trade in Services Negotiations for AU-CFTA Negotiators

    Nairobi, Kenya – 24 August 2015. Training Workshop on Trade in Services Negotiation–
    Training Workshop on Trade in Services Negotiation organized by the Department of Trade and Industry of the African Union Commission(AUC), in collaboration with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) commenced today at the Hilton Hotel, Nairobi. The workshop is held with the general objective to build the capacity of services negotiators in Africa to effectively benefit from trade in services opportunities at bi-lateral, regional and multilateral levels but most importantly to prepare for the CFTA negotiations on Services that were launched at the AU Summit in June 2015 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The Workshop will also provide a forum to share experiences of successful services exports and brain storm on a strategy for CFTA Services Negotiations .

    Mr. Bonapas Onguglo, Senior Economic Affairs Officer, UNCTAD welcomed all the participants to the Training and express his gratituted and appreciation to the government of Kenya and the African Union Commission (AUC) for co-hosting this training workshop.

    Mrs. Joyce Ogundo, Director of Economic and International Trade from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade in Kenya, delivered the Opening Statement on behalf Dr. Amb. Amina C. Mohammed, Cabinet secretary , Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. In her statement, she welcomed participants to Kenya and thanked the organisers for choosing Kenya as a host of this workshop. She commended the AUC for the intitiative and thanked UNCTAD for the support in organizing this training which will provide an opportunity for developing a network of experts that will drive the services negotiations under the Continental Free Trade Area(CFTA). Ms. Ogundo recalled the two important June 2015 milestones namely; the Launch of the Tripartite Free Trade Area and the launch of the CFTA Negotiations which she said “ have energized the Political impetus for the creation of the Africa Economic Community in line with the mandate of the 1991 Abuja Treaty” She noted that within the WTO Doha Round of Negotiations, trade in services is considered as one of the areas that could elicit consensus at the forthcoming WTO 10th Ministerial that will take place in Nairobi in December 2015”

    In conclusion, she reiterated the commitment of Kenya towards the achievement of the CFTA and declared the Workshop Officially Open.

    Mrs. Treasure Maphanga, Director of Trade and Industry , African Union Commission , extended her gratitude to the government of Kenya for hosting the workshop and commitment in supporting the private sector in service exports . She underscored that the timing of the Training Workshop stems from the mandate to negotatite a Continental Free Trade Area for Goods and Services by indicative date of 2017. She noted the need to “build the capacity of AU Member States to explore trade in services potential that lies within our continent “ . in this regards she commenced UNCTAD the Co-organizer of the workshop for their tremendous contribution to trade in services in the continent. She also recognized the collaboration between various AUC departments represented at the workshop including , Economic Affairs, Social Affairs, DREA ,HRST and DTI

    Mrs. Maphanga noted that UNCTAD Economic Development Report 2015; focusing on Services potential for Africa, as yet another source of evidence and confirmation of the contribution of the Services sector to Africa’s economic growth potential. A competitive manufacturing and agricultural sectors is based on an efficient Services sector, to curb the costs of production and to participate in the regional and global value chains.

    She concluded by emphasizing the objective of the workshop which is “to build the capacity of Services Negotiators in Africa to effectively benefit from trade in Services opportunities at bi-lateral, regional and multilateral levels but most importantly to prepare for the CFTA negotiations on Services which were launched in June 2015”. A similar training workshop for the French Speaking African Countries is scheduled to be held in October 2015 in Benin, as part of the initial capacity building initiatives for the CFTA negotiations.

    Full speeches are available on:

    AUC, AU Member States, COMESA, SADC, IGAD, ECOWAS and EAC, International organizations and UN agencies such as the WTO, TRALAC, EU, UNDP,ILEAP, UNCTAD and FAO , Regional and Representatives of the private sector , are attending this meeting .

    For More information, please Contact Mrs. Carolyne Tumuhimbise , Trade Advisor, Email:

    Media Contact

    Meaza Tezera, Department of Trade and Industry, +251912120442, Email: .

    For further information:

    Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: | Web Site: | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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  • Event
    August 21, 2015

    African Union Customs Experts gathered to discuss the Continent's Trade Facilitation Agenda

    Brazzaville, Congo – 19 August 2015 –The first Customs Experts Trade Facilitation Forum organized by the Department of Trade and industry of the African Union Commission, in collaboration with Congolese Customs Authority and GIZ commenced yesterday at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The meeting is held with the objective of focusing on providing a Forum for participants to appraise on new developments and endeavors in Trade Facilitation, Sharing of best Practices in the scheduling and implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Measures, Providing a forum for networking among trade facilitation practitioners in the supply chain, validation of Terms of reference/studies on the gap analysis of the implementation of the WTO Trade facilitation Agreement in Africa , Provide a platform for exchange of views and experiences on issues of trade facilitation in line with the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement and movement of people across borders.

    After welcoming the participants, Mr. Jean Alfred Onanga, the Director General of Customs and Excise of the Republic of Congo thanked the African Union Commission for choosing Brazzaville to organize this Forum. He said “This issues of trade facilitation in Africa, in line with the Action Plan for boosting intra - African trade and the establishment of the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) is the indisputable sign of the determination of the African Union, to realize the Action Plan approved by the Assembly of Heads of State and Governments of the African Union, at its 18th Ordinary Session held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in January 2012”. He added” This Forum is the first of its kind and will have the merit to consolidate and measure the process of trade facilitation”. He concluded by wishing successful deliberation for the 1st Forum.

    Addressing the participants during the opening ceremony, Mr. Hussein Hassan Hussein , Head of Industry Division and the Acting Director of the Department of Trade and Industry, African Union Commission, thanked the Government of Congo for hosting this event and said ”………The trade facilitation cluster is seized with issues on how to expedite the movement of goods and people across national borders…….The subject of Trade facilitation has become so important and topical of late mainly because of the steadily growing global Trade volumes, the fall in tariffs due to trade agreements and other trading arrangements, the need to reduce transport costs and also availability of modern Technology” . He later added that “……..As you are aware the WTO Trade facilitation Agreement will enter into force once two-third of members have completed their domestic ratification process, to date, three African countries have since ratified the Agreement and 13 have submitted their notifications, we take this opportunity to call on our Members States and Parliamentarians to expedite the process of ratification of that Agreement”. He finally concluded by urging each and every one to share experiences and learn from others to implement sound Trade Facilitation practices.

    Taking the floor, H.E Mr. Florant Ntsiba , State Minister , Warmly Welcomed the participants to the Congo land of hospitality on behalf of the President of the Republic, His Excellency Denis Sassou Nguesso and said among other “ African organizations and commercial actors needs to help African customs to establish more effective cooperation instruments to enable the continent to boost intra African Trade” he also highlighted the importance of strengthening the capacity of African customs to enable them to implement Trade facilitation practices. The state Ministers wished a successful meeting and declared the Forum officially open.

    Full speeches are available on:

    Customs/Trade facilitation experts from AU Member States, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), International organizations, UN agencies such as the World Trade Organization, World Customs organization and other United Nations Agencies such as UNECA, UNCTAD and ITC , Regional and Continental private sector organizations, capacity building institutions in the area of Trade facilitation are attending this meeting .

    For More information, please Contact Mr. Aly Iboura , Head of Customs division , Email:

    Media Contact

    Meaza Tezera, Department of Trade and Industry, +251912120442, Email: .

    For further information:

    Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: | Web Site: | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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  • Event
    August 21, 2015

    African Union Customs Experts gathered to discuss the Continent's Trade Facilitation Agenda

    Brazzaville, Congo – 19 August 2015 –The first Customs Experts Trade Facilitation Forum organized by the Department of Trade and industry of the African Union Commission, in collaboration with Congolese Customs Authority and GIZ commenced yesterday at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The meeting is held with the objective of focusing on providing a Forum for participants to appraise on new developments and endeavors in Trade Facilitation, Sharing of best Practices in the scheduling and implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Measures, Providing a forum for networking among trade facilitation practitioners in the supply chain, validation of Terms of reference/studies on the gap analysis of the implementation of the WTO Trade facilitation Agreement in Africa , Provide a platform for exchange of views and experiences on issues of trade facilitation in line with the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement and movement of people across borders.

    After welcoming the participants, Mr. Jean Alfred Onanga, the Director General of Customs and Excise of the Republic of Congo thanked the African Union Commission for choosing Brazzaville to organize this Forum. He said “This issues of trade facilitation in Africa, in line with the Action Plan for boosting intra - African trade and the establishment of the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) is the indisputable sign of the determination of the African Union, to realize the Action Plan approved by the Assembly of Heads of State and Governments of the African Union, at its 18th Ordinary Session held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in January 2012”. He added” This Forum is the first of its kind and will have the merit to consolidate and measure the process of trade facilitation”. He concluded by wishing successful deliberation for the 1st Forum.

    Addressing the participants during the opening ceremony, Mr. Hussein Hassan Hussein , Head of Industry Division and the Acting Director of the Department of Trade and Industry, African Union Commission, thanked the Government of Congo for hosting this event and said ”………The trade facilitation cluster is seized with issues on how to expedite the movement of goods and people across national borders…….The subject of Trade facilitation has become so important and topical of late mainly because of the steadily growing global Trade volumes, the fall in tariffs due to trade agreements and other trading arrangements, the need to reduce transport costs and also availability of modern Technology” . He later added that “……..As you are aware the WTO Trade facilitation Agreement will enter into force once two-third of members have completed their domestic ratification process, to date, three African countries have since ratified the Agreement and 13 have submitted their notifications, we take this opportunity to call on our Members States and Parliamentarians to expedite the process of ratification of that Agreement”. He finally concluded by urging each and every one to share experiences and learn from others to implement sound Trade Facilitation practices.

    Taking the floor, H.E Mr. Florant Ntsiba , State Minister , Warmly Welcomed the participants to the Congo land of hospitality on behalf of the President of the Republic, His Excellency Denis Sassou Nguesso and said among other “ African organizations and commercial actors needs to help African customs to establish more effective cooperation instruments to enable the continent to boost intra African Trade” he also highlighted the importance of strengthening the capacity of African customs to enable them to implement Trade facilitation practices. The state Ministers wished a successful meeting and declared the Forum officially open.

    Full speeches are available on:

    Customs/Trade facilitation experts from AU Member States, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), International organizations, UN agencies such as the World Trade Organization, World Customs organization and other United Nations Agencies such as UNECA, UNCTAD and ITC , Regional and Continental private sector organizations, capacity building institutions in the area of Trade facilitation are attending this meeting .

    For More information, please Contact Mr. Aly Iboura , Head of Customs division , Email:

    Media Contact

    Meaza Tezera, Department of Trade and Industry, +251912120442, Email: .

    For further information:

    Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: | Web Site: | Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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  • Event
    The 1st African Union Customs Trade facilitation forum, 19-21 August 2015, Brazzaville, Congo.
    August 19, 2015 to August 21, 2015

    The 1st African Union Customs Trade facilitation forum, Brazzaville, Congo, 19-21 August 2015