An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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  • Making Vocational Training Work: A Study of Vocational Training in DDR
    August 20, 2014

    This report details the findings from a research study of outcomes of the vocational training provided to ex-combatant beneficiaries through the Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Programme. Vocational training was found to play an important part in increasing levels of self confidence and self reliance as well as building social capital - irrespective of the particular skill sets learned.

  • A Comparative Study of Ex-Combatant Reintegration in the African Great Lakes Re
    August 19, 2014

    Comparative analysis of ex-combatant reintegration processes in Burundi, DRC, Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda. Highlights the importance of social capital and networks and their restoration as key factors in both the social and economic reintegration of ex-combatants.

  • Final Evaluation of the Pilot Reintegration Project Republic of South Sudan New
    August 19, 2014

    Final evaluation report of Pilot Project for the RSSDDRC - includes discussion of the challenge of evaluating the programme given the renewal of hostilities in South Sudan at the time.

  • Republic of South Sudan National DDR programme 2013-2014 Pilot Reintegration Pr
    August 19, 2014

    Review of the National DDR (NDDRC’s) Pilot Reintegration project - the purpose of the project was to test reintegration approaches and modalities and develop actionable lessons to inform and improve the Republic of South Sudan’s future DDR programming

  • National Program on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (PNDDR)
    August 15, 2014

    National Programme Plan, DRC

  • A Study of Gender, Masculinities and Reintegration of Former Combatants in Rwand
    August 03, 2014

    This study aims to understand male ex-combatants practices and attitudes as they relate to gender equality, and the impact on men of participation in collective violence and armed groups, with a specific focus on the effects of demobilization and reintegration programming on gender dynamics and male identity construction.

  • When Do Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration Programmes Succeed?
    July 27, 2014

    Offers a multi-dimensional perspective on DDR and attempts to identify the key factors contributing to their success or failure. Comments on the importance of political context - arguing that there is little evidence that DDR can have an impact in the absence of the termination of the conflict, the importance of institutional arrangements, and program sequencing.

  • Designing Community Driven Development in Fragile and conflict Affected Situati
    September 03, 2013

    Summary of a broader stock taking study that was part of an overall an overall effort to develop a toolkit for designing Community Driven Development (CDD) operations in fragile and conflict affected situations.

  • Gender and State Building in Fragile and Conflict Affected States
    September 03, 2013

    An Overview of key issues challenges and opportunities for integrating Gender perspectives within FCAS programming. There is much in the report that will be of interest to DDR Practitioners - including a description of the importance of understanding the different experiences and perceptions of men and women about violence.

  • Insurgency, Instability, Intervention: A snapshot of Mali and the Sahel region
    September 03, 2013

    Useful regional conflict analysis of Mali and the trans-Sahara - including description of threats posed by trans-national groups

  • Algeria: Current Issues
    September 03, 2013

    Contains detailed description of historical roots of insurgency in Algeria from independence to emergence of AQIM. Of interest as it details issues related to cross border nature of armed groups and challenges this presents.

  • The Malian crisis and the challenge of regional security cooperation
    September 02, 2013

    Article explores the origins of the crisis in northern Mali outlining, in particular, regional security dynamics including the role of violent extremism, organised crime and regional flows of armed groups and weapons.

  • Public Attitudes towards the Security and Justice Sectors in Libya
    September 02, 2013

    This report explores public attitudes towards security and justice actors in Libya in 2013. It provides a useful example of the detailed exploration of public perceptions towards armed groups and their views on the challenges of dealing with them - including their reintegration into formal structures of disbandment.

  • Loosening Kony's Grip: Effective defection strategies for Today's LRA
    September 02, 2013

    This report examines in some detail the evolution of the LRA from a Ugandan insurgent group to a force operating across the Central African region. Of interest to DDR practitioners will be the detailed discussion on the challenges and potential options for encouraging group members to 'come out' in situations where they cannot access their communities and the challenges of reintegrating them

  • We Came Back with Empty Hands. Understanding the Disarmament, Demobilization and
    September 01, 2013

    A case study from DRC examining child ex-combatant and community experiences of reintegration - in depth exploration of the importance and challenges associated with rebuilding social networks and trust and the often complex views and concerns of community members towards returnees.

  • Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in the Kivu Provinces of the Democratic Republi
    August 20, 2013

    In depth analysis of SGBV in Kivu - includes an attempt to examine and explore factors that made SGBV more likely. Includes (page 65)a series recommendations for future programmes and interventions

  • Peace, Democracy and Human Rights: A Handbook for Ex-Combatants
    August 20, 2013

    Innovative Handbook is meant to aid the ex-combatants to learn their rights and obligations as civilian individuals, as family members, as community members and as members of the society. Based on the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights.

  • DDR before DDR North African Veterans from Colonial Mobilization to National Rei
    August 20, 2013

    Reviews the experiences of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia with regards to reintegrating former soldiers and fighters into society in the aftermath of the struggle for independence.

  • UN Regional Strategy to Address the Threat & the impact of the Activities of the
    August 15, 2013

    Provides an overview of the strategy, highlights priorities within the five strategic areas of intervention and specifies roles. and responsibilities for implementation.

  • Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Programme
    August 15, 2013

    This report covers main activities of the Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Commission for 2013 calendar year.

  • Border community security Mano River Union region
    August 15, 2013

    Analysis of Cross Border dynamics and localised conflicts in Mano River Region. Includes discussion on implications for DDR approaches and initiatives. Challenges identified include the tendency for DDR programmes to have national rather than regional focus - despite conflict dynamics being regional in nature - and the need for more attention to youth employment issues.

  • DDR 20 Years Later: Historical Review of the Long-term Impact of Post-independen
    August 14, 2013

    Historical review and analysis of the long-term impact of DDR in several Southern African countries - draws a useful distinction between DDR associated with end of armed conflict and military downsizing as part of broader PFM /SSR processes. Key findings and lessons learned usefully summarised at end of the document (page 31-33).

  • Southern Sudan and DDR: Adopting an Integrated approach to Stabilization
    August 03, 2013

    Review of an agricultural training program for high-risk youth in Liberia - report seeks to specifically identify the impact of the programme in terms of levels of aggression and likelihood of participation in illegal activities.

  • The Role of Natural Resources in Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration.
    July 28, 2013

    The report focuses on the role of natural resources in disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) programs and illustrates
    The report explores how the management of natural resources can be used to promote more effective and sustainable reintegration. Draws on case studies and makes recommendations for policymakers and programmers