Latest Documents
Update on the ongoing Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Epidemic, Brief #31
Report of the Joint Ministerial Meeting of Ministers of Health and Ministers of
The R-Phase of Reintegration; An Overview of key lessons learned and Practical E
The paper aims to map key lessons learned and practical experiences of DDR processes. It specifically focuses on reintegration an explores issues related to urban and rural reintegration, cash benefits, sequencing and national ownership. Useful discussion on Evaluation of DDR Programmes (Section 3.7)
Health, Nutrition and Population - In Focus June – August 2020 Edition
DDR in Uganda, A Mini Case Study
This case study on DDR in Uganda was conducted against the backdrop of the ongoing LRA insurgency, at a time when the GoU was conducting a Defence Review with support of donors and when non-formal armed groups were being offered Amnesty and reintegration support. It explores issues around whether effective linkages were developed between DDR efforts, SSR and SALW and the factors underpinning this.
In DRC, MDRP helps female ex-combatants regain a livelihood
Background information on the LEAP Project a programme designed to assist vulnerable female ex-combatants with their social and economic reintegration
DDR in DRC: Programme update
Update report on the progress of DDR activities and the DDR programme in DRC at that time. Provides some interesting commentary on the challenges associated with SSR and programme linkages and the reintegration of groups with special needs
DDR 2008. Analysis of World's DDR programmes in 2007
In depth comparative analysis of 19 DDR programmes in Africa, it covers Angola, Burundi, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, Eritrea, Liberia, Niger, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, and Uganda and Guinea-Bissau. Useful contextual and programme analysis.
Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration of Children Associated with Fighti
Captures key lessons learned in the children’s component of the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) programme in Sierra Leone.
The National DDR Strategic Plan Sudan
National Programme Plan, Sudan (Phase I DDR)
Negotiating peace in Sierra Leone: Confronting the Justice challenge
Explores issues related to the Lomé Accord and access to Justice - some discussion on tensions between ex-combatant reintegration and justice for victims in Sierra Leone and the role of Amnesties
Protocol Relating to the Establishment of the Peace and Security Council of the
Protocol relating to establishment of the peace and security council of the AU - of relevance to the role of member states in supporting DDR and broader conflict resolution and prevention efforts
Cross Border Criminal Activities in West Africa: Options for Effective Response
Useful exploration of dynamics associated with cross border crimes in West Africa - important linkages to DDR in terms of cross border involvement of rebel groups / armed gangs in weapons smuggling, narcotics and human trafficking and related issues for DDR. Includes exploration of issues in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria and Guinea Bissau in particular
Reintegration and Long-Term Development: Linkages and Challenges
Explores the interface between DDR and strategies for post conflict reconstruction and long term development - including Transitional Results Frameworks and Poverty Reduction Strategies etc. Some useful examples of specific reintegration challenges and successes are raised and highlighted.
Second International conference on DRR in Africa, Kinshasa DRC " Linkage between
Report of 2007 Second International Conference on DDR in Africa, Analysis of DDR trends, developments and institutional arrangements. Useful mini-compendium of DDR experiences in a number of countries. Specifically identified needs to address regional aspects of conflict dynamics, women and children associated with armed groups and Transitional Justice
DDR: A Practical Field and Classroom Guide
Provide a comprehensive overview of all aspects of classical DDR operations. Designed as a training manual for staff in organisations that are involved in DDR programmes. Series of checklists covering various aspects of DDR programming at Annex 6 which may be of particular value to practitioners.
Government Gazette Staatskoerant General Notice
Sets out the initial plans of the Government of South Africa in relation to reconstruction and development in post apartheid South Africa - includes planned policy and programme responses for ex-combatants and veterans
Avoiding Disarmament Failure: The Critical link in DDR, an operational manual fo
Highlights some of the most important obstacles to disarmament in DDR and how these may be overcome. Includes a detailed description of approaches to disarmament and potential programme design. Focuses heavily on examples drawn from DRC and Liberia.
Stockholm Initiative on Disarmament Demobilisation Reintegration: Testing the Pr
Report emanating out of a series of roundtable discussions. Emphasizes the importance of understanding and analyzing the political and conflict dynamics in which DDR will be implemented and the need to establish linkages between DDR and wider SSR efforts. Useful commentary on the negative impacts of weapons buy back programmes in West Africa and innovative approaches to disarmament in Sudan.
Disarming the Past: Transitional justice and ex-combatants
Research and reflection on the relationship between DDR and transitional justice, arguing that DDR programs and transitional justice mechanisms can both benefit from greater coordination and linkages, concludes with lessons learned and suggested ways to move forward.
Concepts and Experiences of Demobilisiation and Reintegration of Ex-Combatants:
Provides a systematic overview of individual stages and components of classic and linear DDR programs and issues that need to be considered by programme planners and implementers. Annex 4.2. (page 54 onwards) provides summary profiles of GTZ experiences in a number of countries up to 1996.
Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR): Conceptual approaches, spec
Lengthy document that identifies and describes in detail the evolution of DDR programmes and considers its practice and its application in different political and security contexts. Contains useful commentary and analysis on implications of regional/cross border conflict on DDR programming and relationship between DDR and post conflict justice approaches.
Education for Livelihoods and Civic Participation in Post-Conflict Countries
This document explores issues related to the provision of TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) in post conflict settings - and its relationship and role with DDR interventions in some detail. The report highlights the importance of adequate labor market analysis in post conflict settings and linkages between BTVET and employment opportunities.
Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Program (RDRP) Tracer Study
Presents findings of a tracer study conducted amongst 2000 Rwandan XC. Contains statistically significant data on social and economic reintegration and trends and explores lessons learned.