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Commemoration of the 7th Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security

Commemoration of the 7th Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security

octobre 26, 2016 to octobre 28, 2016

Joint Media Advisory


Commemoration of the 7th Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security

What:         Commemoration of the 7th Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security (ADFNS)

Under the theme Investing in Food Systems for Improving Child Nutrition: Key to Africa’s Renaissance, this year’s ADFNS aims to motivate commitments by decision and policy makers and all relevant actors to deliberately prioritise investment in nutrition in development planning, resource allocations and programme implementation. The meeting will:

·         Focus on infant and young child feeding, create a common awareness of investing in nutritious, safe, sustainable and healthy food value chains to enhance food and nutrition security that will impact on the worrying trends in child stunting in Africa;

·         Create a common and complementary investments in nutrition sensitive and specific interventions, through multi-sectoral approaches aimed at addressing childhood stunting as an important measure to impacting the survival of the African child;

·         Facilitate dialogue among stakeholders, sharing of experiences, best practices, innovations and mutual learning among various stakeholders on options for investing in direct and indirect nutrition interventions in order to eliminate child under nutrition in Africa;

·         Advocate for the scaling-up of proven and cost effective child sensitive nutrition interventions for maximum impact; and

·         Document and prepare a set of recommendations to inform action planning and chart the way forward.


Date:          26 – 28 October, 2016


Venue:       Tang Palace Hotel, Accra, Ghana


Time:         The main opening session will be held at 9:00am on Friday 28th October, 2016.










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For more information and media queries contact:


NEPAD Agency 

Mwanja Ng'anjo

Tel: +27 (0) 11 256 3600



African Union Commission

Carol Jilombo



février 10, 2022

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