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Hungarian Foreign Ministry and African Ambassadors in Budapest welcome AUC Chairperson

Hungarian Foreign Ministry and African Ambassadors in Budapest welcome AUC Chairperson

June 05, 2013
Hungarian Foreign Ministry and African Ambassadors in Budapest welcome AUC Chairperson

Hungarian Foreign Ministry and African Ambassadors in Budapest welcome AUC Chairperson

Budapest, Hungary: 5 June, 2013:Hungarian Deputy State Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, H.E. SzabolcsTakács and African Ambassadors accredited to Budapest, Hungary, have welcomed the African Union Commission Chairperson, H.E. Dr. NkosazanaDlaminiZuma. The Chairperson is in Budapest on the invitation of H.E. JánosMartonyi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic Hungary.For the first time ever,the Budapest Africa Forum is being organized by the Government of Hungary.Organising the forum is part of the Hungarian foreign policy strategy of “Global Opening,” aimed at revitalizing ties with parts that would not ordinarily fall under the Hungarian radar.

H.E. SzabolcsTakács welcomed the AUC Chairperson upon arrival at the Budapest international airport. She was given a guided tour of the city, particularly to historic sites, before meeting with the members of the African Diplomatic Corps.Ahead of the official opening on 6 June, the African Ambassadors extended their courtesies to the AU CommissionChairperson. Meeting with Ambassadors from six African countries (Algeria, Angola, Egypt, South Africa, Tunisia and Nigeria) the Charge d’Affaires of Libya,accredited to Budapest, Dr. DlaminiZumasaid that it is now a practice that she meets with African Diplomats in each country that she visits, to update them on the state of affairs on the continent and the African Union.

Dr. DlaminiZuma’sbriefing to the African diplomats in Budapest includedactivities around the year-long 50th Anniversary celebrations of the Organisation of African Unity and the African Union.The briefing included theapproved 2013-2017 Strategic planandmost importantly, framed a picture ofAgenda 2063, which in the next 50 yearsmust result in an integrated and prosperous Africaat peace with itself.

She invited the Ambassadors to also make their contributions between now and November, to be incorporated into the final framework document to be presented to the Assembly of Heads of States and Governments during the January 2014 Summit.Ahead of the 50thanniversary celebrations several reflectionswere organized with, and by citizens across the continent, including artists, business people, farmers, women, youths, editors, trade unions, academics, geared toward generating ideas and contributions toward Agenda 2063.

Looking to the future, the Chairperson highlighted key areas of focus to drive the economic Agenda 2063. Investing in the young people and women; accelerating agriculture and agro-processing; embarking on industrialization, infrastructural development to produce energy, speed up transport and drive the economy, are some of the key drivers that she identified. The Chairperson enjoined the Ambassadorsto make their contributions. She also remindedthem of next year’s Africa-EU Summit, and that as representatives of their countries, they remain full part of the process.

The Dean of the African Diplomatic Corps, AmbassadorsLounesMagaramane, of the Democratic Republic of Algeria expressed deep appreciation for the Chairperson comprehensive briefing, and her visionary leadership. He noted that increasingly the Hungarian authorities are paying closer attention to African affairs. He commended the Hungarian Foreign Minister’s full participation in activities marking Africa Day on 25 May, which marked the 50th anniversary celebrations in Budapest.The series of organized activities, including arts, culture and the current Budapest Africa Forum are aimed at increasing the knowledge and interaction between Africa and Hungary.Each of the Ambassadors took turns to welcome the Chairperson, pointing out specific issues to further her understanding of the opportunities for increased collaboration with the host country.

Dr.DlaminiZuma will deliver a keynote address during the Budapest Africa Forum to be presided over by the Hungarian Prime Minister. Panel discussions are also planned on: Africa as key partner in the framework on the Hungarian policy of ‘Global Opening;’ and Education as a path for development – Higher education in Hungary as a link between Hungary and Africa.


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