An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Disarmament and DDR

Developing integrated approaches to post-conflict security and recovery. A case study of integrated DDR in Sudan

Report detailing attempts to conduct integrated approaches to disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) and post conflict security programming in Sudan. Highlights challenges For further related documents visit the Resource Center:


Stockholm Initiative on Disarmament Demobilisation Reintegration

Final report of the Stockholm Initiative on Disarmament Demobilisation Reintegration - a programme initiated with the aim of proposing ways and means that can contribute to the creation of a predictable framework in which DDR processes could be planned and implemented. The document summarizes the main findings and recommendations in relation to this initiative - includes sections on the role of DDR in negotiations & peace agreements, reintegration approaches, financing DDR, DDR and longer term security frameworks and transitional justice.


Sustaining the Peace in Angola: An Overview of Current Demobilisation, Disarmament and Reintegration

Comprehensive overview and analysis of the DDR process in Angola post 2002. Useful analysis of challenges and opportunities in what was a process with a high degree of political ownership by the Government. Highlights challenges associated with encampment, coordination, programme management and the reintegration of ex-combatants in an environment where large numbers of people were also internally displaced and communities impacted by protracted civil war.


From Civilians to Soldiers and from Soldiers to Civilians, Mobilization and Demobilization in Sudan

This documents aims to provide a complex and in depth analysis of mobilization processes in armed groups and the dynamics that affect individual involvement in armed groups. It argues that there is a need to move beyond technical discussions on DDR and that programming should be better informed by an analysis of the dynamics of post-conflict security and how stakeholders can influence and impact on these.


Disarmament, Demobilization, Reintegration (DDR) and Stability in Africa

Report on the Conference on Disarmament, Demobilization, Reintegration and Stability (DDR) in Africa which took place from 21 to 23 June 2005 in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Organized by the Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone and the United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA). Specific case studies presented on Angola, Burundi, DRC, Liberia, Mozambique, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe. A summary of key findings and lessons learned is presented on page 11.


Final Disarmament, Demobilisation & Reintegration of Somalia Militia

This 2005 scoping paper considers the role of DDR in stabilisation efforts within the Somalia context and what types of programme approaches may be appropriate. Predating subsequent literature on 2G DDR it nevertheless identifies many of the challenges associated with DDR, and its potential utility, in a security and political context where there are multiple groups and ongoing conflict.


DDR in Uganda, A Mini Case Study

This case study on DDR in Uganda was conducted against the backdrop of the ongoing LRA insurgency, at a time when the GoU was conducting a Defence Review with support of donors and when non-formal armed groups were being offered Amnesty and reintegration support. It explores issues around whether effective linkages were developed between DDR efforts, SSR and SALW and the factors underpinning this.



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Topic Resources

January 05, 2025

Brief guide on DDR for Bank staff

January 05, 2025

Interesting example of what might be considered a simply articulated Transitional Results Framework for Peacebuilding in the Comoros Cont

January 05, 2025

This lengthy report is comprehensive study of armed groups and small arms in the ECOWAS region up to early 2005.