An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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The Role of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Programs in Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Some Lessons Learnt

This paper elaborates on the Africa Development Bank’s experience in operations in post conflict environments where DDR is being carried out and linkages to overall planning frameworks and SSR in particular, Case studies drawn from South Sudan, Liberia and DRC. National ownership issues specifically explored.


Second International conference on DRR in Africa, Kinshasa DRC " Linkage between DDR & SRR" Building Sustainable Peace in Africa

Report of 2007 Second International Conference on DDR in Africa, Analysis of DDR trends, developments and institutional arrangements. Useful mini-compendium of DDR experiences in a number of countries. Specifically identified needs to address regional aspects of conflict dynamics, women and children associated with armed groups and Transitional Justice


Stockholm Initiative on Disarmament Demobilisation Reintegration: Testing the Principles

Report emanating out of a series of roundtable discussions. Emphasizes the importance of understanding and analyzing the political and conflict dynamics in which DDR will be implemented and the need to establish linkages between DDR and wider SSR efforts. Useful commentary on the negative impacts of weapons buy back programmes in West Africa and innovative approaches to disarmament in Sudan.


Concepts and Experiences of Demobilisiation and Reintegration of Ex-Combatants: Guidelines and instruments for future programmes

Provides a systematic overview of individual stages and components of classic and linear DDR programs and issues that need to be considered by programme planners and implementers. Annex 4.2. (page 54 onwards) provides summary profiles of GTZ experiences in a number of countries up to 1996.


Second Generation Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Practices in Peace Operations

This document explores key aspects of planning and implementation of DDR in increasingly complex environments identifying key challenges and potential policy and programming options. Thematic areas covered include the role of community based programmes, commander incentive programmes, at risk youth programmes and alternative approaches to weapons collection and management. Provides a useful overview of the need for multiple approaches in complex environments and draws on a number of country examples /case studies to emphasize points.


Guns, Camps and Cash: Disarmament, Demobilization and Reinsertion of Former Combatants in Transitions from War to Peace

Identifies and explores issues related to DDR in a number of political and security contexts. Specifically explores issues related to disarmament and use of weapons buy back programmes, approaches to cantonment and their impact, and approaches to the provision of Financial Reinsertion Assistance. Country examples provided from a number of locations.



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Topic Resources

January 22, 2025

Draws on research on Reintegration of ex-refugees and ex-fighters in post conflict Eritrea.

January 22, 2025

Brief guide on DDR for Bank staff

January 22, 2025

This lengthy report is comprehensive study of armed groups and small arms in the ECOWAS region up to early 2005.

January 22, 2025

This paper explores the concept of interim stabilisation in the immediate aftermath of conflict.