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Creating Synergies between CIDO and Mozambique

Creating Synergies between CIDO and Mozambique

March 23, 2016

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 23 March 2016 -The Citizens and Diaspora Directorate (CIDO) met with a delegation from the Republic of Mozambique to discuss the different modalities and means of diaspora engagement.
On the Mozambican side the delegation was led by the Director of the National Institute of Mozambican Communities Abroad (INACE). The delegation also comprised of the representatives from each of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Justice, and Ministry of International Cooperation. The delegation was accompanied by the Programme manager of Labour Migration and Development programme of the International Organization of Migration (IOM) in Mozambique, in addition to IOM Ethiopia.
CIDO was led by the Head of the Diaspora Division and Acting director Mr. Ahmed El-Basheer, and the Regional Diaspora Policy Officers, Ms. Eiman Kheir and Mr. Kyeretwie Osei in addition to the NGO Desk Officer Ms. Betty Mupenda.
The meeting started with an overview of the Mozambican diaspora engagement policy and the mandate and programmes of CIDO. Predominantly the focus was on (1) Diaspora engagement strategies in the development agenda, and (2) Means of supporting the diaspora abroad. (3) Exchanging knowledge on the good and comparable practices of diaspora engagement in countries with a similar history to Mozambique. (4) Discuss ways of harmonizing the national and continental diaspora policies.
The meeting was a reminder of the positive change visible in the continent and the southern region particularly on the importance of diaspora engagement strategies and policies. The meeting was also an opportunity to renew the commitment of CIDO in supporting member states create effective diaspora policies and in harmonizing the national and continental diaspora

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