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Assembly of the African Union Third Ordinary Session Union

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1 Assembly/AU/Dec.33 (III)
Decision on the Vision and Mission of the African Union and Strategic Plan, Programme and Budget of the Commission 1
2 Assembly/AU/Dec.34(III)
Decision on the Operationalization of the Protocol Relating to the Establishment of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union – Doc. Assembly/AU/2 (III) 1
3 Assembly/AU/Dec.35(III)
Decision on the African Standby Force (ASF) and the Military Staff Committee (MSC) – Doc. EX.CL/110 V) 1
4 Assembly/AU/Dec.36(III)
Decision on the Draft Protocol to the OAU Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism – Doc. EX.CL/111 (V) 1
5 Assembly/AU/Dec.37(III)
Declaration on Equatorial Guinea Doc. Assembly/AU/2 (III) 1
6 Assembly/AU/Dec.38(III)
Decision on the Implementation of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) 4
7 Assembly/AU/Dec.39(III)
Decision on the Launching and the Establishment of the Pan-African Parliament –Doc. Assembly/AU/4(III) 1
8 Assembly/AU/Dec.40(III)
Decision on the Conference of Intellectual from Africa and the Diaspora – Doc. Assembly/AU/5 (III) 1
9 Assembly/AU/Dec.41(III)
Decision on the Report of the Commission on the AU Symbols Competitions (Flag, Emblem, Anthem) Doc. Assembly/AU/6 (III) Rev.1 1
10 Assembly/AU/Dec.42(III)
Decision on AIDS Watch Africa (AWA) and the Implementation of the Abuja and Maputo Declarations on Malaria, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Other Related Infectious Diseases in Africa 1
11 Assembly/AU/Dec.43 (III)
Decision on the Council of the Future of the African Union – Doc. Assembly/AU/12 (III) 1
12 Assembly/AU/Dec.44 (III)
Decision on the International Centre for the Education of Girls and Women in Africa (CIEFFA) – Doc. Assembly/AU/11 (V) Add.1 1
13 Assembly/AU/Dec.45(III)
Decision on the Seats of the African Union 1
14 Assembly/AU/Dec.46 (III)
Decision on the Final Report of the Commission of the Social Dimension of Globalisation – Doc. Assembly/AU/11 (V) Add.6 1
15 Assembly/AU/Dec.47 (III)
Decision on the Draft Programme Budget for the 2005 Financial Year – Doc....................... 1
16 Assembly/AU/Dec.48(III)
Decision on the Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) – Doc.......................1
17 Assembly/AU/Dec.49(III)
Decision on the 17th Annual Activity Report of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights – Doc. EX.CL/109 (V) 1
18 Assembly/AU/Dec.50 (III)
Decision on the Candidature of Doctor Jacques Diouf for the Post of FAO Director General 1
19 Assembly/AU/Dec.51(III)
Decision on Support to the Candidature of Mr. Koïshiro Matsuura, Director General of UNESCO 1
20 Assembly/AU/Dec.52(III)
Decision on the Hosting of the Football World Cup 2010 in South Africa 1
21 Assembly/AU/Dec.53(III)
Decision on the Periodicity of the Ordinary Sessions of the Assembly 1
22 Assembly/AU/Dec.54 III)
Decision on Darfur 1
23 Assembly/AU/Motion (III)
Motion of Appreciation to H.E. President Joaquim Chissano, Outgoing Chairperson of the AU 2
1 Assembly/AU/Decl.12(III)
Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa 4
2 Assembly/AU/Decl.13(III)
Declaration on the Ongoing Review of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and its Impact on Trade in Commodities with ACP Countries 2

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