An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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  • Event
    ECOSOCC Statement against the Military Coup in Burkina Faso
    September 18, 2015

    ECOSOCC Statement against the Military Coup in Burkina Faso

    The African Union Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) condemns in strongest terms possible the flagrant violation of the Constitution and the Transitional Charter of the Republic of Burkina Faso after Military junta, including presidential guard, seized power through a coup and arrested transitional President, Prime Minister and other leaders.

    While expressing serious concern about the wellbeing and the safety of the Burkinabe civil society and media community, ECOSOCC calls for the immediate & unconditional release of the detained transitional leaders and for the military junta to restore power to the civilian authorities.

    ECOSOCC urges the military to set a pathway for a return to democracy and the rule of law as soon as possible, to refrain from arbitrary detentions, to release those detained for political reasons and to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms.

    “Seizing power through unconstitutional means or the resolution of political disagreements through the use of force is undemocratic and inacceptable. We urge all involved, including Burkina Faso’s armed forces, to adhere to non-violence, and to debate issues in a peaceful, patriotic and inclusive manner,” said Honourable Joseph Chilengi, ECOSOCC Presiding Officer.

    ECOSOCC confirms its steadfast support for the civilian transitional government and national transitional council to continue their work of preparing for free, fair, and credible elections through an inclusive manner.

    “We appeal to the people and all political forces in Burkina Faso to desist and denounce from any violent activities that may further undermine peace and stability in the country. The African Union should take urgent actions including suspension of Burkina Faso until the military relinquish power in line with African Democracy charter and the AU Declaration on Unconstitutional Changes of Government. Military coup d'état are aberrations of the past that Africa has moved beyond. The junta in Burkina Faso cannot be allowed to set the clock backwards,” added Chilengi.


  • Event
    ECOSOCC Appointments of Advisors and Regional Special Delegates
    September 02, 2015
  • Event
    ECOSOCC Statement condemning terrorist attack in Tunisia
    June 29, 2015

    ECOSOCC Statement condemning terrorist attack in Tunisia
    29 June 2015
    The African Union’s Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) condemns in the strongest terms the terrorist attack on the coastal city of Sousse in Tunisia, on Friday, 26 June 2015 resulting in the death of at least 38 people and wounding at least 39 others.
    On behalf of ECOSOCC, I express our deepest condolences to the families of the victims of this heinous act and to the Government of Tunisia and other relevant Governments who have lost their citizens in this attack.
    We mourn with Tunisia and stand behind our close friend in this dark time
    Although the suspected culprit was killed, ECOSOCC emphasizes the urgency to bring perpetrators, organizers and financiers of this reprehensible act of terrorism to justice, and urged all African and Non-African States to cooperate swiftly and actively with the Tunisian authorities in this regard.
    Tunisia is a success story in establishing democratic rule. No terrorist attack can reverse its path in consolidation of democratic gains or in the efforts directed towards economic recovery and development.
    Terrorists have declared war on African people and their shared values of peace, freedom, democracy and human rights.
    African civil society will not sit on the side-lines as this ruthless terrorist group unleashes pointless violence on innocent civilians in Africa. We stand with our governments as they continue to protect our citizens, support the continental efforts to defeat the terrorist threat, and stand shoulder to shoulder with progressive nations in defiance of these horrible acts.

    Mr. Joseph Chilengi,
    ECOSOCC Presiding Officer

  • Event
    Statutory meeting of the ECOSOCC Standing Committee Meeting, Khartoum, Sudan
    Statutory meeting of the ECOSOCC Standing Committee Meeting, Khartoum, Sudan
    May 26, 2015 to May 28, 2015

    The Standing Committee Meeting of the Economic Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) of the African Union Concludes in Khartoum

    Khartoum, Sudan, 29th May 2015 –Members of the Standing Committee of the Economic Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC)of the African Union concluded their meeting for the 1st ordinary session of the standing committee of the organ. The Standing Committee is the executive organ of the ECOSOCC empowered by statutes for coordinating the work of the ECOSOCC and for preparing and submitting annual reports to the assembly of the union.
    The meeting of the Standing Committee amongst other considered and approved the report that will be presented by the Organ to the 27thOrdinary Session of the Executive Council and to the 25th Ordinary session of the Assembly of the Union in Johannesburg, South Africa from 07 – 15 June 2015. The meeting debated and agreed also on the modalities of activation and setting up of different clusters committees of ECOSOCC, which are the main operational arm of the Organ and endorsed the ECOSOCC budget for 2016 as presented to the Permanent Representatives Committee (PRC) sub-committee on budget in Mekele, Ethiopia on 18thMay 2015. This meeting was also an opportunity for the Standing Committee to discuss the establishment of National ECOSOCC Chapter which upon completion will be submitted for consideration to Member States.
    It is to be noted that the meeting coincided with the celebration of the Africa Day which was commemorated with a sensitization programme for Sudanese Civil Society Organizations and a press conference in Sudan News Agency (SUNA) in Khartoum as part of the general programme of activities. Representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sudan, The National Group for Human Rights-Sudan, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and relevant Authorities were among those present at the event.
    The ECOSOCC Standing Committee Meeting comprised of several side events most notably a symposium on the Negative Impact on the Unilateral Coercive Measures on Human Rights in Sudan which was attended by African students and took place in the International University of Africa in Khartoum.

    Notes for Editors:

    The delegation was led by Mr. Joseph Chilengi, Presiding Officer of ECOSOCC, supported by the Head of ECOSOCC secretariat and Director of CIDO, Representatives of the AU Commission, Chairpersons of Sectorial Cluster Committees, as well as invited guests from other organs of the AU such as the African Commission of Human and People Rights (ACHPR).

    The ECOSOCC General Assembly is the highest decision and pol icy making body of ECOSOCC as stated in Article 9 (1) of the ECOSOCC Statute.. The recognition of the role of the General Assembly as contained in Article 9 of the Statutes will enable a reflection on ECOSOCC roles and boundaries, its duties and responsibilities and its precise relationship with the Commission as well as other Organs of the Union.

    During the 24thAUSummit held in January 2015 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the Executive Council of the Union adopted Decision EX.CL /Dec. 869 (XXVI) on the 2nd Permanent General Assembly of ECOSOCC. This Decision recognized and endorsed the outcome of ECOSOCC General Assembly election in Nairobi in December 2014 and gave ECOSOCC certain Union responsibilities.

    The 1st session of the 2ndpermanent General Assembly of ECOSOCC was held from 26 February to 1 March 2015 in Cairo, Egypt. The aim of the Assembly meeting was to orient the newly elected members about their roles and responsibilities and develop a roadmap to guide the path of ECOSOCC in achieving their goals. In order to achieve that, the newly elected members embarked on choosing the cluster chairpersons, electing the Credentials Committee and constituting the Standing Committee as the executive organ to coordinate the work of ECOSOCC in accordance with articles 10 and 11 of the ECOSOCC Statutes.

    This Standing Committee provides support to the work of ECOSOCC General Assembly and sets the pace for effective operational activities in 2015 and 2016.

    For any inquiry, please contact:

    Dr. Jinmi Adisa | Director, CIDO and Head of the Secretariat of ECOSOCC | or

    Mr. Jalel Chelba | Head of Civil Society Division, | E-mail:

    Mr. Gamal Ahmed A. Karrar | Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission | Tel: +251911361185 |

    Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I | Web I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
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  • Event
    ECOSOCC Statement on the situation in Burundi
    May 18, 2015

    ECOSOCC Statement on the situation in Burundi
    The African Union Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) is deeply concerned about the unfolding political, security and humanitarian situation in the Republic of Burundi.
    ECOSOCC deplores the continued acts of violence against civilian people, civil society, media houses and public institutions. Violence against peacefully protesting citizens is unacceptable and must stop. We remain deeply worried about the plight of people fleeing for their safety from Burundi to neighbouring countries.
    ECOSOCC strongly condemns the coup attempt in Burundi led by Major General Godefroid Niyombare to oust Pierre Nkurunziza, the president of Burundi. Changing governments through violence and military force is unconstitutional and undemocratic action.
    “We urge all political sides in Burundi to show restraint, end violence, embrace national dialogue and take all possible actions to restore constitutional order, rule of law, peace and stability while ensuring that the human rights of all Burundians are respected and protected,” said Honourable Joseph Chilengi, Presiding Officer of ECOSOCC.
    ECOSOCC particularly calls for full respect and protection for civil society and free media in Burundi who became under attacks from different political forces to advance their political agendas. Burundian civil society must have free space to operate. Closed media houses must be reopened and allowed to resume their operations without fear of violence and intimidations.
    While welcoming the efforts of the African Union (AU) and the East Africa Community (EAC), ECOSOCC emphasizes the inevitability for all Burundian political forces to respect the principles of the Arusha Agreements to ensure lasting peace, unity and democratic governance.
    “The people of Burundi must be allowed to elect democratic, legitimate and constitutional government through inclusive, credible and transparent elections, held in a conducive environment,” declared ECOSOCC Presiding Officer.

  • Event
    The Appointment of Five Special Advisers to assist the ECOSOCC in the implementation of its mandate
    May 08, 2015


    The Presiding Officer of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union (ECOSOCC) has appointed 5 Special Advisers to assist the Organ in the implementation of its mandate.

    They include the following:

    1) Adviser on Regional and International Partnerships

    • Professor Dipo Kolawole, Former Vice-Chancellor, University of Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria

    2) Adviser on Governance and intergovernmental Relations

    • Chukuemeka Eze, Executive Director, West African Network for Peacebuilding, WANEP, Accra, Ghana

    3) Adviser on Interfaith, interreligious and Intercultural Issues

    • Ambassador Mussie Hailu, Regional Director of United Religions Initiative (URI) for Africa, Representative of URI to UN office in Africa, UNEPA, UNECA, UN-Habitat and AU

    4) Adviser Private Sector and Economic Relations

    • Mr. Michael Sudarkasa, Esq., Africa Business Group, Johannesburg, South Africa

    5) Adviser on Diaspora Relations

    • Ms Evelyn Joe, African Union Diaspora Organisation, USA

    The appointments are made in recognition of the skills and outstanding quality of the advisers and their expressed commitment to the integration and development agenda of Africa and the African Union. The appointments are not associated with salaries or set remunerations. Advisers will assist the main organs of ECOSOCC including the Office of the Presiding Officer, the Bureau, Standing Committee and General Assembly as may be required.

  • Event
    ECOSOCC Condemns Xenophobic "Acrophobic” Attacks On African Citizens In South Africa
    April 22, 2015


    The Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union (ECOSOCC) condemns the Xenophobic and/or Afrophobic attacks on African citizens of different nationalities in the Republic of South Africa. ECOSOCC is sad to learn that such incidents have occurred in a country for which Africans on the continent and the Diaspora sacrificed so dearly to ensure independence and black majority rule.
    ECOSOCC perceives all Africans as sharing a common African citizenship, albeit of different nationalities, carved up by departing colonial powers to perpetuate their own interests and influence. ECOSOCC is therefore appalled to see gruesome pictures of African citizens of South African extraction brutally assaulting, killing, looting and burning the properties of their kith and kins from other parts of the continent. This is a blot on the African landscape which negates the very essence of the African Union and its purpose, principles and values. This deplorable situation makes a mockery of the people- centric orientation of the African Union in general and ECOSOCC in particular and ECOSOCC offers a sincere apology to all victims of this shameful exercise.

    Beyond this, ECOSOCC recognizes the need for timely and appropriate action to ensure that this episode ends immediately and never recurs. Accordingly, the Organ proposes a framework of action embracing the following measures:
    1. The Government and people of South Africa must take timely and immediate action to ensure the cessation of all acts of hostilities in this context and to assure the security of lives and property of all Africans and indeed all people in South Africa regardless of their state of origin. As a logical corollary, the instigators and perpetrators of the gruesome acts must be brought to justice, irrespective of their status in the community. The South African government should also encourage all stakeholders and the broad strata of South Africa Society to embrace civil dialogue rather than violent interactions as a means of expressing opinions.

    2. Compensation should be paid to all victims while political, economic and psychological policies and programs of restitution and reinsertion should be put in place to ensure the reintegration of victims in society. The policies and programs should be conceived in the immediate, short, medium and long terms. Psychological measures are required immediately to address related traumas associated with the impact of this terrible and nauseating experience.

    3. The Commission of the African Union as the Secretariat of the Union should convene an Extra-Ordinary Emergency session of the Union to discuss the situation and authorize a framework of action for addressing it on a collective basis. They should also use the experience to conceive Pan-African programs and policies that will prevent its recurrence.

    4. The episode draws attention to the need to fast track the integration and development agenda of the African Union and to move more rapidly towards the creation of the United States of Africa. For it is only when Africans are living together in this political and economic context envisioned by the founding parents of the African Union that we can be rest assured that this shameful exercise will never occur again.

    In conclusion, ECOSOCC on its own part will be sending a follow-up mission to South Africa to consult with the Government and the African civil society community in South Africa on what should be done now and in the longer term. In the course of the mission, ECOSOCC will also do its best to promote order and tranquility. We kindly request the support of the AU Commission, the Pan-African Parliament, the Court of Justice, the African Commission in Banjul, other AU organs and the African people in particular to take appropriate measures to support our activities and efforts in this regard.

    Joseph Chilengi,
    Presiding Officer, ECOSOCC.

  • Event
    ECOSOCC Call for Application for by Elections into the 2nd ECOSOCC Permanent General Assembly
    March 12, 2015 to December 31, 2015




    The ECOSOCC application process is re-opened for a period of ten (10) months to allow for greater representation of CSOs from the fifty-four (54) African Union Member States and ensure regional balance. The closing date for receiving applications is 31 December 2015.



    Le processus électoral de l’ECOSOCC est rouvert pour une période de dix (10) mois aux fins de permettre une meilleure représentation des organisations de la société civile des cinquante-quatre (54) Etats membres de l’Union africaine et pour garantir l’équilibre régional. La date limite de réception des candidatures est fixée au 31 décembre 2015.



    Apela-se às Organizações da Sociedade Civil (OSC) para se candidatar à Assembleia Geral Interina da ECOSOCC. O processo de candidatura ao ECOSOCC será reaberto por um período de dez (10) meses para permitir maior representatividade das OSC de cinquenta e quatro (54) Estados Membros da União Africana (UA) e garantir a representatividade regional. O prazo para as candidaturas termina no dia 31 de dezembro de 2015.


    دعوة المجلس الاقتصادي والاجتماعي والثقافي لتقديم طلبات لانتخابات المؤتمر العام الدائم الثاني للمجلس الاقتصادي والاجتماعي والثقافي

    دعوة لتقديم الطلبات من منظمات المجتمع المدني الأفريقية للعضوية في الجمعية العامة المؤقتة للاكوسوك ECOSOCC. يتم إعادة فتح اجراءات التقديم للاكوسوك ECOSOCC لمدة عشرةة (10) أشهر للسماح بتمثيل أكبر لمنظمات المجتمع المدني من الدول الأفريقية الأربعة وخمسين (54) الأعضاء في الاتحاد وضمان التوازن الإقليمي. الموعد النهائي لتلقي الطلبات هو 31 ديسمبر 2015.

  • Event
    ECOSOCC Presiding Official on Working Visit to Cameroon.
    ECOSOCC Presiding Official on Working Visit to Cameroon.
    March 11, 2015

    Press Release

    Douala, 11 March 2015

    ECOSOCC Presiding Official on Working Visit to Cameroon.

    The Presiding Officer of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union (ECOSOCC), the Honorable Joseph Chilengi, paid a working visit to the Republic of Cameroon from 08-11 March 2015. He went to Cameron to honor the invitation of the Cameroon Business Forum as a high profile guest of the Prime Minister and Head of Government of the Republic of Cameroon, HE Mr. Philemon YANG.

    He was received on arrival by his host, government representatives and Cameroon’s elected delegates in ECOSOCC, Mr. Ngalim Eugine Nyudine, the Chairperson of the Peace and Security Cluster Committee of ECOSOCC and his colleague Mr. Allan Blaise Bantongue.

    Subsequently, Mr. Joseph Chilengi participated in the Cameroon Business Forum (CBF) held on 9 March 2015 at the Sawa Hotel in Douala at which HE The Prime Minister presided. In the course of the meeting the Prime Minister introduced his noted guest and invited him for follow-up discussions that took place later at the seat of government in Yaoundé. His Excellency, the Prime Minister expressed his joy that ECOSOCC was back in the service of the continent’s integration and development agenda and stressed the readiness and eagerness of the Government and people of Cameroon to offer it the fullest support.

    The CBF is a gathering of the Business Community involving leaders of the private sector. The invitation to the ECOSOCC Presiding Officer highlighted the need to ensure that the needs of the people will guide the map for progress and sustainable economic development in Member States of the Union. Related issues that came up for discussion included the continental strategic roadmap, Agenda 2063 and African common position Vis a Vis the Post 2015 development agenda. The discussion highlighted the contribution that ECOSOCC and its national chapters can make and how annual interaction between Business leaders and the wider civil society can consolidate and drive the development process in Cameroon in particular and the continent in general

    After the CBF meeting, the Presiding Officer held consultations with his ECOSOCC counterparts, the Cameroon civil society and representatives of the business community. He also took part in a Press Conference that was focused on the decisions of the January AU Summit held in Addis Ababa and the process of their implementation.

    The Presiding Officer proceeded from this meeting to Luxor, Egypt to attend the Luxor African Film Festival on the invitation of the former Egyptian Prime Minister, Dr. Asiam Sharaf, who is now the President of the Egyptian Council for Africa that seeks to improve relations among African countries and the African Union. In the course of his visit to Egypt Mr. Chilengi will honor various invitations to confer with various political personalities and give a public lecture on “ Rethinking Education” on the margins of the Festival.

  • Event
    Orientation and Induction Meeting for Newly Elected members of the 2nd Permanent ECOSOCC General Assembly, Cairo, Egypt
    Orientation and Induction Meeting for Newly Elected members of the 2nd Permanent ECOSOCC General Assembly, Cairo, Egypt
    February 26, 2015 to March 01, 2015

    Orientation and Induction Meeting for Newly Elected members of the 2nd Permanent ECOSOCC General Assembly
    What: Orientation and Induction Meeting for Newly Elected members of the 2nd Permanent ECOSOCC General Assembly

    The opening ceremony will feature the following:

    - Welcome Statement by Director CIDO and Head of ECOSOCC Secretariat (11:00-11:10)
    - Statement by Amb Lazarous Kapambwe, Advisor to the AUC Chairperson and Chairperson of ECOSOCC IDC (11:10-11:20)
    - Keynote Address by Mr. Joseph Chilengi, ECOSOCC Presiding Officer (11:20-11:40)
    - Opening Address by Representative of the Egyptian Government (11:40-11:55)

    When: 26 February - 1 March 2015

    Where: Cairo, Egypt (Hotel Nile Fairmont)

    Objectives: National, Regional and Continental Consultations for ECOSOCC Internal Elections and Orientation Exercises including: The Constitutive Act, AU Organs and Structure, the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union (ECOSOCC); A people-centred Union: the CSO Agenda in the framework of the AU as well as the Agenda 2063 and the AUC Strategic Plan 2014-2017; the Theme of the 2015 Summit: Year of Women Empowerment toward Agenda 2063 and the Role of ECOSOCC.
    The meeting will also discuss the NEPAD in the African Union; APSA and AU Policy Frameworks including the AU Communication Strategy and the Role of Media and CSOs in advancing the Development Agenda, the African Governance Architecture; the Election Observation and Monitoring Processes; the Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Policy (CAADP) and the Program for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA)
    The meeting intends as well to present the AU Rules and Regulations comprising the Structure of AU Commission and Administrative Rules and Regulations of the African Union; the Financial Rules and Regulations of the African Union and the Role of CIDO as ECOSOCC Secretariat

    Media representatives are invited to cover the meeting. (Programme of work attached)

    For further information:
    Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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  • Event
    December 30, 2014

    Members of the Bureau of the Second ECOSOCC General Assembly

  • Event
    December 23, 2014

    The inaugural session of the 2nd Permanent General Assembly of ECOSOCC that commenced in Nairobi on 21 December 2014 elected Mr. Joseph Chilengi of the Africa Internally Displaced Persons Voice of Zambia as its Presiding Officer. He was sworn in formally into office on 22nd December 2014 at a ceremony attended by Her Excellency, Ms. Amina Mohammed, the Cabinet Secretary of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of the Republic of Kenya and H.E. Mr. Erastus Mwencha, the Deputy Chairperson of the AU Commission. The pronouncement of his election brought all the delegates to their feet and was cheered with a deafening applause.

    Mr. Chilengi thus assumes office with a strong popular mandate that he would need to promote the vision and purpose of his high office. He brings to the office a track record of credible civil society activism of long standing that puts him at ease with his foundations in the grassroots, familiarity with ECOSOCC operations as he was a prominent member of the 1st ECOSOCC General Assembly which he served as the Chairperson of the influential Political Affairs Cluster and deep knowledge of the African Union, governments and international organizations to which he was previously attached at various times in his working career.

    The new Presiding Officer was the Chairperson of the African Continental Steering Committee of the Africa-EU partnership and Co-Chair of the Intercontinental CSO forum. He has served on several AU Electoral Observer Missions and was one of the architects of the African Governance Architecture on Democracy, Governance and the Human Rights Strategy for Africa. He has also served as a facilitator in the negotiation by Member States of the Union of the Kampala IDP Convention and the Great Lakes Peace Process.

    In his inaugural address to the Assembly, Mr. Chilengi offered a democratic, collective decision-making process that would be people-oriented and people-driven. He also promised that the Bureau and Assembly that he is leading will hit the ground running. He outlined three immediate priorities of the Assembly as including a one-week orientation program for General Assembly Members to situate them appropriately in the demands of the African Union family, sensitization and mobilization of African grassroots support for AU program and activities including Agenda 2063 and the Post- 2015 development agenda and third and foremost, the effective operationalization of ECOSOCC Sectoral Cluster as a fulcrum for AU policy and decision-making processes.

    He lauded the AU Commission, particularly, its Chairperson, Dr. Dlamini Nkosazana Zuma, for prioritizing ECOSOCC as a main concern and thus enabling the inauguration of the 2nd ECOSOCC Permanent General Assembly. He also thanked the ECOSOCC Secretariat in CIDO and its Director for the commitment, vigour and inspiration that made it happen under her leadership.

    Finally, he promised that the ECOSOCC Assembly under his watch would not be developed as a Trade Union that is out to service the interest of its elected members. He declared “we came here to serve the continent and we shall do so honestly and diligently. Accordingly, I have been sincere and candid in my appraisal of tasks, challenges and even persons, activities and programs. In doing so, I have reflected the ethics of civil society where we say things as they are… Our promise to you is that we shall deliver on the promise of ECOSOCC in the time allocated for us to carry out our mandate. I and my colleagues ask for your sincere and collective support for this venture. I am certain that you will give us such support. Long live the African Union.”